chapter five

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8:00 pm

I was flipping through a book in my room, when there was a gentle knock at my door. I knew that knock, it was Sodapop. He opened the door, "Hey kid, how's it hanging?" "Pretty good, we got assigned a good book for our first semester of English." He took the book out of my hands, "Gone with the wind? Haven't you read this one already?" "Only like 10 times." He lightly chuckled, "No, but has school been? Any bullying going on?" "It's fine, and no there hasn't been any bullying," "If there is...let me know," "Totally." After a few moments of an awkward silence he spoke up again, "How are you really doing about the whole Clara situation? I know you miss her," "It's just weird, she sees me in the halls and acts like nobody exists," "She's just really hurt right now, just like the rest of us. We all miss him," "I wish she would realize that."


9:30 pm

I walked up the stairs and walked past Dally's room, his room hasn't been touched since he was last in it. I thought one little peek wouldn't hurt anyone, I slowly opened the door and acknowledged his messy room. Dallas Winston was always a slob, I walked in and saw a envelope on his desk. I flipped it over and read that it was addressed to me, I was about to open it when there was a voice. Uncle Jack peeked his head into the room, "What are you doing sweetie?" "Oh...I thought I heard a noise in here," "Oh, alright. Why don't you head off to bed? You seem tired," "Oh trust me I am." I dropped the envelope onto the desk and walked out, as I laid in bed later...all I could think about was the envelope.


10:00 pm

Eddie and I sat on my bed in my room with our legs tangled, he was flipping through some magazine, while I just stared endlessly at the wall. After a few seconds, he flipped the magazine shut. He turned to me, "What's wrong babe?" "I'm just thinking about that backstabbing slut Violet. Who does she think she is? She can't just take Bill," "Bill won't get with her, you don't gotta worry," "See, but that's the thing. I do have to worry, Clara is my best friend and seeing another girl trying to get with her ex is just messed up," "Things will eventually get better, you just gotta stop worrying." That's when I had reached my breaking point, I stood up. I ran my hands through my hair, "I'm sick of you telling me the same god damn things! All you keep saying is things will get better, well guess what? They won't!," "I'm just trying to be positive, you don't think I miss how things used to be?" "Things won't ever be the same Eddie! She's lost without Dally, I can't stand how all of you boys think things will get better...they won't." He stood up and scoffed, "Well at least I'm trying to be positive," "Eddie, I'm done," "What are you saying?" "I'm saying go away," "What? No!" "I want to break up." He froze, "Just because we're in a fight? We can get through this," "I need time, I'm sorry. But I need a break." I could see his heart breaking, he quietly spoke, "Fine, whatever you want Beverly." He grabbed his jacket and angrily walked out of my room, quietly tears slid down my face. What have I done?

Friday September 8th, 1965

10:00 am

Thank god it was Friday, tonight the boys and I are going to the drive in to celebrate the end of our first "week" of school. I was in the library reading an assignment when she sat down beside me, Violet VanHoren. Her blonde hair framed her pretty face, she smiled at me, "Whatcha up to Bill?" "Oh, j-just an a-assignment." She twirled her hair around her finger, "Well, I was gonna go to the drive-in tonight, but my friends bailed on me. Do you have any plans for tonight?." I definitely did have plans, but instead of saying stupid mouth said this, "Uh, n-no. Not t-that I know of." She grinned, "Well, I was thinking...would you maybe wanna go to the drive in with me?!?." What are you doing Bill? You have to say no, you have a girl already...and she means the world to you. Something in my head wasn't working, because I turned to Violet and said this, "I would l-love to go with y-you, what t-time?."


I had just found out some serious shit, I needed to inform Bill. I knew he was in the library, so I escaped out of class and made my way down there. I walked in and stopped in my tracks when I saw Violet and Bill chatting. She was flirtatiously twirling her hair, while he smiled. I was disgusted, I stormed up to them, "Bill, we need to talk," "H-hold on a second, Richie," "NOW!." I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of ear shot from anyone else, he looked at me confused, "What is so i-important Richie?" "It's Beverley and Eddie...they broke up." His eyes softened, "W-what? Why!?! T-they are like in love," "They got into a fight, and Bev said she needed a break." He looked at his feet and quietly spoke, "Clara and Bev are gonna come back to me and Eddie right?" "Duh! Those girls really love you guys. Anyways, what we're you doing talking to Violet?" "Oh...uh, s-she invited me to go with her to the drive in tonight," "What? We were supposed to go, you, me, Ben, and Eddie.." "I know, but I c-couldn't say no," "Yes you could have! I can't believe your ditching us for some blonde hoe," "It's n-not a big d-deal Richie, relax." He walked away leaving me, I was starting to feel as if our friend group was breaking apart.

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