chapter thirteen

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Wednesday September 13th, 1965

8:30 am

I met up with Ponyboy right after first period, he followed me through the halls until we found Violet at her locker. I took a deep breath and walked over to her, with Ponyboy right behind me, "H-Hey Violet," "Oh, hey Bill." She looked to where Bob had punched me, "Bill, what happened to your face?" "Never-mind t-that now, I want you to m-meet...Ponyboy Curtis." She looked at him, "Wait,...your Sodapop's brother?" "Yeah," "Wow, you look just like him," "Is that a good thing?" "Yes, he's hot...which makes you hot." I watched as Ponyboy's face turned a light shade of pink, Violet smiled, "Maybe we should hang out sometime, but without Bill of course...he's a player." She rolled her eyes at me and walked off. Ponyboy turned to me, "So? Do you think she's into me?" "Definitely, s-she definitely is," "Good, we just need to keep carrying on this plan."


11:00 am

I sat in my English class listening to the teacher speak, it was a boring topic. I allowed myself to let my eyes wonder around the room, a row over from me I caught eye contact with Randy Adderson. Randy was one of Bob's friends, I quickly looked away, but I could feel his eyes on me for the rest of the class. When the bell rung, I quickly managed to escape the class. I was walking through the hall when I heard a deeper voice, "Why are you in such a hurry?." I looked over and was met with Randy, I scoffed, "To get away from you," "What did I do?" "You wouldn't stop looking at me in class," "Well, that's because your hot," "It's never gonna happen, I'm sorta taken," "Sorta?" "It's complicated, but keep your eyes to yourself...maybe you would actually start passing some of your tests." I kept walking, leaving Randy behind me. I found Bev standing next to Eddie at his locker, "Hey lovebirds." Eddie blushed at the nickname, "Hey Clara, how's school been?" "Well, it was going fine until I caught Randy Adderson staring at me." Bev gagged, "Gross!" "Tell me about it," "Oh shit! The bell is gonna ring, I will see you guys in lunch." She quickly pressed a kiss to Eddie's cheek and hurriedly walked away, I looked at Eddie, "I'm happy you guys worked things out," "Yeah me too, I really love her."

12:00 pm (lunch)

It was finally lunch, I met up with my friends at our lunch table...things between all of us were really starting to get better. After thinking about it all day, I finally thought of an idea on how to get Violet back. I turned to Bev and lowered my voice, "I got a plan," "Shoot," "Tonight there is a varsity football game, everyone will be here," "So?" "So, while everyone is outside watching the game, me and you are inside putting posters up about Violet...and I trust that you will write some really nasty things." Bev smirked, "Damn Cunningham! Since when did you decide to get creative?" "Since I realized that Violet deserves this." We laughed with each other, Richie eyed us up, "What do you two think your laughing about?" "You wouldn't get it." He frowned and continued talking to Eddie, Bill sat on the other side of me. I could practically feel his eyes on me, but I just ignored it. I promised myself that I wouldn't get back together with him until the time was's still not right.

2:15 pm

Bev and I made plans to meet up with each other after my therapy session today, we went separate ways after school. I started my walk home, I was walking on a side street when I realized there was a car driving by...slowly. I looked over and realized it was Randy's mustang, he pulled over and rolled down his window, "Need a ride Clara?" "No thanks," "Are you sure?" "Positive." It went quiet, he looked at me hopefully, "Are you going to the game tonight?" "I might make an appearance," "Well if you do, come find me. See you later beautiful." He pulled away leaving me with disgust, what the hell does he even see in me? I'm technically a greaser, so shouldn't that make him want to run away? I put my thoughts away and kept walking.

3:15 pm

I sat in my living room talking to Alex, she seemed really unfocused today. I looked at her seriously, "Alex are you okay?" "Oh, uh...yeah," "Why do I feel like your lying?." She slightly laughed, "Clara, remember when I told you about my high school boyfriend, Aaron?" "Yeah, you said he wanted you to follow him out of state to his college..but you couldn't because you were in love with someone else," "Right," "Wait! Are you gonna tell me who it was?!?" "I shouldn't, but I feel like you should know. While I was dating Aaron...I was also seeing another boy, and he had a girlfriend," "Wow Alex!" "I know, I regret cheating on Aaron and I feel bad for seeing another guy who had a girlfriend...I just have felt so guilty since, but I don't regret seeing the other guy...he was the reason I didn't wanna leave Tulsa...I love him," "Well!! Who is it!?!?" "Well, it's-." She stopped mid sentence when the door opened, she took one look at Uncle Jack, and I swear her breath hitched. She gathered her things and went for the door, I called after her, "Alex! You didn't tell me who it was," "We'll save it for another time." She walked out of the house leaving me with my confused uncle, "What we're y'all talking about?" "Her high school lovers." He froze, I gave him a questioning look, "What's wrong?" "Nothing! It's nothing." He quickly went upstairs leaving me alone. Something is up, and I'm going to stoop to any level to find out what's going on.

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