Terra (unfinished >:( )

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Vincent was away. He had been for the past three weeks out on a business trip. They got the occasional letter, and he seemed to be doing good, but Terrence and Vera missed him. One night, Severus was in bed and Terrence sat boredly on the couch, reading. "Babe, I'm bored.."

"Darling, when aren't you bored?" Vera replied. She was sewing a new shirt of Severus. She looked up at him with a hum. "Fair, but I don't have Vincent here to push his buttons." Terrence joked. "We should do something fun since the baby's asleep."
"Hm~, such as?" Vera asked, setting her sewing aside. "Hmm, I dunno maybe a drinking game? You get really cute when you're drunk. What game would we do though?"
"I don't see why not. Maybe knowledge? We each ask each other something about ourselves and if we give something the other doesn't know they take a shot?"

"Sounds fun. It'll be a challenge I think. I'll get some whiskey, hm?"

"We've got tequila in the cabinet, but it's Vincent's favorite."

"Perfect, when he gets back I doubt he'll care. The letter he sent me makes me think we won't even need tequila to get going.." He said slyly. Vera didn't get this mystery letter. "Letter? I didn't get one.." Vera tilted her head curiously. "Maybe I'll make you ask about it." He winked and left to get the liquor. He came back with a >:3 face and a bottle. "Meanie.." Vera muttered as she stood to get out the shot glasses. "Whatever, I know you love me." Terrence made kissy faces. He sat down at the table. He opened the bottle. "Let's get this little party of ours started." He smiled. Vera slid him a shot glass and poured each of them a shot. "You start."
"Got it. Hmmm..I lived with my grandma and grandpa for most of my life." Terrence said. Starting off small. "I knew that." Vera smiled. "I got my cat when I was fourteen." An easy, common fact. "Damn, already knew that too." He sighed. "I..the first time Vincent talked to me I had a mini unknown gay awakening." He chuckled. Vera downed her glass. "Incel." She teased. "The first time I spoke to Vincent was to ask him if he could reach my hay in a tree. He couldn't and we had to go get his dad."

"How does that make me an incel? He pinned me to the floor and then stomped on me. Your interaction was much cuter-"

"Well, Vincent's hot, so I can't say much else. But we were eight at the time sooo..."

"Still, and I bet his dad was happy to climb up a freaking tree." Terrence joked. He took a shot for fun. "Oh, no, he was pissed. It was hilarious to watch though, my sister was scolding me for laughing at him." Vera snickered, pouring them both a shot. "Thought so. Our father in law has almost as big a stick up his ass as a gay tree. Also, your turn I believe~"

"Okay... my favorite music piece to play is 'Swan Lake' on the violin."
"Swan Lake? I knew you liked it, but I didn't know it was your favorite." He downed the shot. "I can move my tits." He said, taking his turn. Vera downed her shot. "Didn't know that. Vincent and I have a bet on what Sev's personality is going to be like. It's bragging rights."
"Ha! I knew that one. Vincent told me about it and how he was so winning. He thinks it's gonna be a mini him, but with my amazing muscles." Terrence said, flexing his arms. "Oh? Aight, bet." Vera was a clearly getting tipsy. "I'm gonna beat his ass so hard."

"He may be into that, but you'll never know." He teased. Pulling out a letter sneakily. "Hmm?? Whazzat?" Vera noticed it and leaned over. "Can I read it?" She asked, giving him puppy eyes. "Hm~, he said that I shouldn't show it to you though..I could read it orrrrr You can ask questions on it. He never said anything like that." Terrence made a >:} face. Vera pouted. "Damn, It's your turn anyways."

"Hmm my favorite part about your body- other than your face, is your ass." Terrence said. Spicing things up. "How did I know?" Vera chuckled. "What does the letter say?"

Terrence opened the letter. "Dear my loves,
Blah blah blah I love you. Blah blah say hi to Severus. Blah blah- here we go.
Terrence, please don't tell Vera about this, but I need to express my frustrations. I am sitting here writing this with my cock feeling as if it will burst at any second. I can barely think about anything else but burying myself inside you. I have so far resisted my urge to pleasure myself, but that won't last long. I'll return on Friday. Try to get Vera in something sexy without telling her about how shamefully aroused I feel thinking of you both now. Once I return I plead you both are ready to be entirely mine.
Love, Vincent."

Vera flushed red, but seemed unsurprised. "Mm~, I see." She squirmed a bit in her chair. "Mhm~, He sent a picture with it." Terrence handed her a small photo of Vincent all fancy. He wore a nice suit with his white hair slicked back.
"Fuck, that's hot." Vera was practically drooling over the photo. She squeezed her thighs together. "He sent two photos." Terrence blinked. His eyes widened. It was facing away from Vera so she couldn't see it. Vera leaned over him to see. "Ah ah~ my turn. You gotta ask for it." Terrence smirked. "Did you know..I'm not wearing any boxers right now?"
Another shot. Vera was getting obviously wasted. "What's the picture?"
"Hmm~, ask harder." Terrence smirked.
"Don't make me beg~..."

"I will though." Terrence's face was flushed with drunkenness. "Come get on your knees and ask for me to show it to you."

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