Venma and Severus

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Severus sighed deeply. Morveara? Really? It was drier than his mother's ashes here, it was sickening. Almost nine hundred years and she was still sitting in an urn on his mantle- oops. Right, he needed to transfer her ashes again... whatever. Even stood on the border, the poor guy looked like death itself. He was waiting on Ashma, L's cousin, and her husband to inform on the situation...

Venus waved and ran over. "There you are." He smiled. "We found you."
"Mhm. I heard about the battle. How is Aztlan handling?" Severus tilted his head, curious. His hair, despite being tied into a tight ponytail, was starting to stick to his skin. "Eh..not so well. That's why we called you. Cmon let's get you inside because I am melting here.." Venus took his wrist. "Alright..." Sev nodded. "What happened, if I may? Anything that could've set them off?"

"Nothing that I am knowledgeable about. Maybe just the stress? Although I think it's just L's side of Aztlan." Venus shrugged. He was wearing close to nothing. Just a airy tank top and short shorts. His hair was also tied up in a ponytail perfect for pulling.

Ashma was with Aztlan, trying to calm them down. Her thin, orange half-kimono showed off a significant amount of her thighs. Venus brought Severus over and took his wife's hand. "Is there anything they need?" He asked. "Water. Otherwise, no. Aztlan, hey-" Sev's tone was much softer as he spoke to Aztlan.Venus nodded and gave Ashma a kiss on the cheek. "Want me to go grab some water?"
"I'll go. Stay here with them." Ashma pecked his lips before skeddaddling off. Venus nodded and turned back to the others. He knew he got the best wife.

Aztlan calmed down as he spoke. They were teary- just a little, but Sev backed off. He turned to Venus. "Can you give me a play-by-play of the battle?"
"Yeah, me and Ashma took up the back while Aztlan was the bulk of the attack. They went straight for the Caesar. Those two were talking for abit until Uh- his brother died. Then he was distracted and got very upset.."
"Ah... that might be it. Fused Idivs often feel one another's emotions full force- so Azh... Azhdeha? Is that his name? Was likely grieving, which set off L. She's... lost many people." Sev said carefully. "I'd advise not to let them stay fused this long unless it's for the public."

"Oh okay. His name is Azadaha. We'll make sure they're separated. You two should have a self care day." Venus suggested. "Good idea. Make sure of it." Sev nodded. "They'll be more drawn to fusing now, so keep them apart as much as possible."
"Got it! You two should go find separate rooms to chill in for now. Me and Ashma'll make some snacks, okay?" He smiled. "Don't. I'll be taking my le-" Sev was interrupted by Ashma slamming the doors shut.

"S-" she coughed. "Sandstorm!"
"Uh oh- Ashma are you alright?" Venus blinked, nervously. "Uh-oh is right. We're trapped in the palace, there's a sandstorm going on outside." Ashma said, shaking sand out if her hair. Venus leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Oh well, I'll just go run around and shut the windows. Should I run a bath for you?" Venus asked. "Don't worry about it. Thank you, though." Ashma said with a smile. "Thank you~."
"Severus, you can just hang out here for abit. If you want anything just tell me." Venus shrugged. "Sand monster." He teased Ashma. "Your sand monster, c'mere gimme a kiss." Ashma launched up a little, wrapping her legs around his waist. Sev took a seat on one of the not-as-sandy pillows. Venus smiled and kissed her quick. "My sand monster. Although you look good with sand in your clothes." He set her down and patted sand off her. "Aztlan, will you be okay? Make sure to separate."
"We will.." Aztlan nodded. Ashma was lightly kissing Venus' neck. "Mm~..."

Venus hummed. "Alrighty, I'll be off." He smiled and began walking away. He was practically glowing with how hot he was. Venus was a cold oriented man.
"He's hot." Sev commented. "Temperature-wise." That's when Ashma and Sev started talking. The two decided to gang up on Venus, get him hot and bothered, and leave him to Severus.

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