Severmile (3 unfinished)

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{Chamomile was sitting in her room eating dinner. It was her usual bland rice and noodle bowl, but this one was odd. It tasted off. Vinny and Clove decided to test Chamomile as the five were growing suspicious of her. They didn't like how much confidence and life she had. Clove instructed the Chefs to mix in some condensed sex pollen in with the noodles. It was a small enough dose to where she wouldn't have to have sex for it to leave her body, but it would still be an aphrodisiac. The two sent Severus in to help with the test. Severus came in a few minutes after. He smiled at her once the door shut.} "Hello, darling."
"Severus!" Chamomile called happily. She grinned. Her veil was off again as she was in the room by herself previously. The room smelled off once again. Like when the two had first had their run in with the pollen. {His nose twitched.} "Smells weird in here." Severus walked over and kissed her forehead- he still smelled pleasantly like citrus. {Chamomile latched on to Severus. She was even happier than usual he was here. She kissed his cheek. The smell was coming from Chamomile. It was reminiscent of the scent of sex.} "Maybe it's the food. It was kinda odd today."
"Why so you smell like sex..?"

"Hm?" Chamomile blinked. She turned pink. "You smell like sex-"{Sev started to pull away slightly to look her in the eye.} "Oh..I took a bath earlier today. Are you sure?" Chamomile asked. She whined and didn't want him to pull away. "... Are you horny, Chamomile-?"
"Huh?" Chamomile blinked. She blushed harder. She wasn't sure. She was more clingy than horny, but that could easily change. "Gosh, you're flustering me-"
"I asked if you were horny-"{Severus's hands trailed up her body.} "Mm- exactly. How am I not supposed to get flustered, pretty boy?" Chamomile teased. She pulled closer to him. {He kissed her jaw.} "Hmhmm."
{Chamomile hummed.} "I love you Severus.."
"I love you more." Sev purred. "I can tell. You came to visit me after all. I'm glad because I was starting to miss you." Chamomile leaned on him. "Mhmm, of course of course.." Severus smiled softly and pulled her into his lap. {Chamomile blushed even harder. She his lap. Chamomile settled on his thigh..}
"Everything okay, darling?"
"Of course my love. You're very comfortable." Chamomile joked, but it was true. The more she and Severus were touching, the better she felt. "Hm, good." Severus pulled her in for a kiss. {Chamomile melted in their kiss. Her hands held onto his waist as she shifted on his lap. Chamomile knew she was getting horny now. She didn't mind..but she wanted more than just Severus eating her out. Severus softly pushed her back on the bed, the kiss getting heated. Chamomile's hands slipped from him to raise her kimono up her legs and push down her pants. Leaving her in just her makeshift panties and Exposing her thick thighs. Her hands returned quickly to Severus.} "Darling, I think you were right." She teased. {Her hands ghosted over his hips.} "Mhmm... you're so pretty, Chamomile.." He said softly. "Do you want me to...?
{Chamomile hummed. Chamomile used her arms and legs to push Severus down onto the bed. This wasn't the pollen acting. She sat on his crotch.} "I want you, my love."
"M-Me?" He blushed. {She nodded.} "I want to see you moan and squirm like I do when you treat me."
{He flushed brighter.} "Can I?" Chamomile asked softly and she shifted again. Her pussy ached for Severus. "Are you sure it's alright?"
"I care more about you than any dumb rules. I could always make an excuse so that you can solely do my virginity screenings." Chamomile leaned down to kiss Severus's forehead. "How else are we gonna have those eighteen kids?" Chamomile joked. "Alright.." Severus said softly, raising his hips to remove his pants. "Do you not want to?" Chamomile asked. "I-I do! I'm just nervous... I want to be good enough for you."
"You're always good for me. Extraordinary even." Chamomile grinned. "This time I even get to see you." She said while cupping his face. {He leaned into the touch and kissed her wrist.} "I hope you'll enjoy your first time with me.."
"I will. I just know it." Chamomile nodded, and moved to sit on his thighs. She was getting impatient to see his cock. {His monster cock sprung out and slapped on his lower stomach. He wasn't girthy, but he was long. The tip was flushed pink.} "Oh~.." Chamomile stared at it. She leaned down to smother his dick in kisses. Especially the tip. "Will you even fit?" Chamomile asked genuinely.
"I-It will. Usually, at least."
"U-Usually? Oh well.." Chamomile smiled. She gave his cock another kiss above his slit before she leaned back up and threw off her shorts. Her gaze was a mix of nerves and excitement.

"Would you like me to take over? Or..?"
"Not yet. I want to put you in." Chamomile said softly. She undid her kimono enough to slide it off of her. She was completely naked now as she positioned herself over Severus's cock. Her entrance pressed on the tip teasingly. She hummed. {Severus whimpered softly, looking up at her with love and lust.} "Ha~..I'm so excited, dear.." Chamomile slid down on his cock until a soft break sounded from her hips. Her eyebrows knitted in pain for a few moments. Only Half his length was inside her, but already her pussy was practically squeezing him. {Chamomile slowly took his hands. She intertwined their fingers. He whimpered and whined, caressing her body.} "Oh, Chamomile, you feel so good~.."
{Chamomile nodded.} "It hurts." She chuckled. "I got this though.." She continued to sink down his cock. She eventually reached his base with a soft clench. Chamomile moaned softly.} "You're so big.."
"I-I'm sorry-" Severus cut himself off with a muffled moan. "Oh, Cha~Amomile-!"
"Hh~ don't be sorry. Knowing you I'll be going feral in seconds." Chamomile hummed. She slowly pumped up and down. "Oh- fuck, Chamomile, please-" Severus's hands flew to her tits and he toyed with her nipples. "HHa~ Dear- fuck.." Chamomile moaned. Her nipples quickly hardened from the excitement of being touched.

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