Chapter 3

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"Dream!!!" Dream tensed up by the sound as someone hugged him in front of him by sprinting. It was Delusion, he was crying in his friend's chest. The other softened his eyes, patting his head softly. "Why!? Why you created the song?! It was painful to us all!!"

"I'm sorry, there is a reason why I created that." Dream softly said, letting the other cuddles his chest. "I want to show him that I will let him do anything whatever he wants after my death. You can see my brother doesn't need me anymore, no matter how bad he done to everyone. I won't stand his way, not anymore..."

"Wahhh!! Dream!!" Strawberry pushed Delusion away harshly and hugged him, hearing the yellow bird groan in pain by the push. "It's was so beautiful and painful!!"

"Thank you, but you should not push him, Strawberry." He said to the pink slimy skeleton. "Delusion, are you alright? Do you need help?"

"N-Nope, I'm alright..." Delusion grunted in pain, sitting up from the push. "Ow... T-That's hurt!"

"Sunrise, brother. What are you doing here?" Eclipse walked toward the Empire Of The Sun as he trying to calm himself after the lullaby. He wasn't expected he would looking for Dream, he could tell his brother's expression.

Those Dream AUs and Nightmare AUs are bonding with each other, kinda? Thanks to Dream, they finally get use to each other and they were willing to protect the original from his corruption brother.

"I want to hear his lullaby." Sunrise sniffed wiping his tears away from his face. He let out a deep sigh, letting his tears up as he continued wiping his it non-stop. "I don't know if I should regret hearing it, it was quiet beautiful yet it's hurt."

"It's okay to regret, Sunrise. It was my fault after all. You don't need to blame yourself what you did." Dream said, letting Strawberry being clingy to him. He gave the pink skeleton a warm smile, patting on the head as he showered Strawberry with his love and affection before he continued to speak.

Dreamswap!Nightmare started to feel jealous of Strawberry that he was showered with Dream's affections as he notice that the pink slimy skeleton was about to lick the positive guardian's neck causing him to him angry and yelled at him. "Hey! Don't you dare lick Dreamy's neck!!"

Strawberry gave him a devil smirked at him before licking his crush's neck. Dream letting out his out breath, letting him what he do to him not until Swad grabbed Dream and pull away from the pervert Strawberry. "Hey! Let me have a taste of him! He tasted sweet like sugar."

"You taste him sweet because of your pink sticky liquid was stick on to his neck." Swad scoffed at him, crossing his arms with a smirked.

"Ooooohhhhhhhh!!!!" The Dream Squad and Nightmare Gang screamed, cheering for Swad how he being a savage toward the pink version of Nightmare making Strawberry pout at him.

A soft chuckled from Dream how cute Strawberry pout. Adorable.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Cross was in his room, covering himself with his blanket. He was laying on his bed with tears in his eyes. Will Dream be okay after he's death? What happened I will never see him again? Why my brother made a deal with Dreamy?

His mind came out of an idea so his questions had finally answer as he was opening the door, Dust was in front of him. "What the hell do you want, Dust? I need to visit someone." He said walk aside from him but a hand touches his shoulder as he froze at his spot.

"You were in the room for a week, I heard you've been crying everytime until you fell asleep." Dust said as his tone was sharp and seriously. "We were worried 'bout you, Cross. I don't know if Nightmare does. You know how he act."

Those two are really friends and kept their secrets from Nightmare especially Killer and Horror. They didn't promise themselves but they would try to.

"And I can still see your tears are forming in your eye sockets." Cross was shocked when he noticed but without any hesitation he immediately wipe his tears. "What were you think, Cross. We're best buddies, am I right? Although we've done violently toward each other."

"Don't tell anyone, alright?" The Oreo said.

"No promises." Dust chuckled at his friend. "You know we all can easily break our promise."

"... Follow me." Cross grabbed his hands before teleported to Reapertale. The two walked to Cross step brother's place. "I need to ask him questions."

"About what?" Dust asked, following the other that lead him to where Reaper lives.

"... Dream, I want to know why Dream's life was limited." He said making the other deadpan at him. "What's with the face? You seems pale, although we're skeletons."

"... Isn't obvious? You know life can is limited right?" Dust asked Cross as he tried to explain, even though how bad he explain he was hoping his friend would understand. "Once the person life finally off their limit, they died, so why were you worried about Dream so much?"

"... You know Dream, he's immortal, he may have a soul and easily can kill him with Nightmare but he was given up on life, he said that he will only die and let Nightmare rule this Multiverse." Cross said realized that his other friend doesn't understand what he meant. "Oh my Asgore can't you even under what I'm saying?!"

"Of course those two brothers are immortal as long they still have their souls but what do you mean, that light will only die and given up on life? That's what Nightmare wanted, right? Want Dream to disappear in this world." The black and white skeleton sighed at Dust's words as they arrived to Reaper's house.

The god of death saw Cross was in his AU outside of his house. He was surprised that he brought Dust with him but he will ignore that and greet him with wide open arms. "My lovely brother, how's your day with Nightmare?"

"Horrible as hell. You know the usual, bro." Cross walked to the table that was prepared outside of the house, while Dust was sitting next to him. "Must follow his dirty orders."

"Anyways, how's Dream?" When the Oreo asked, Reaper looked at him, after pouring two cups of coffee for the two. Cross started to worry about his best friend. "How many months left he will die? Did Player already changed the code?!"

"... First of all, yes, Player had already changed his code especially Nightmare." Reaper replied, staring at the cup that he was holding. "It will be relief if Nightmare die we all won't be worry having another destruction besides Error, but this is Dream... He has... 3 more weeks left before the dawn."

"As the sun comes up, Dream will burn into ashes peacefully, no pain, no sadness. All I can see in the future, he will smile widely at the whole Multiverse that things will he okay without him." He explained gently out the cup on the the table before taking out the book inside his pocket. "His future that was recorded in this book, right here."

"... You're joking right?" Dust asked as he flipped the book. He read at the part where Dream died. "Okay, you two aren't really joking, that light will die very soon. But I found it weird."

"About what?" Cross questioned him.

"That this book said that Nightmare will miss him after his death." He answered pointing at the sentences. "It says here that Nightmare will burst into cry and the lullaby will repeat in his mind forever. What do you mean that the lullaby"

"Is there another way to stop Dream from dying?" Cross asked his brother in worry voice. "I'm sure there's another way we could save from death, we can change his future right??!"

"I think you can." Reaper pointed out his finger. "However, there will be consequence."

"I will risk his life to save Dream! I want him to have more time to live!" Cross said as he was filled with determination. Reaper smiled at his brother.

"Okay, listen carefully." The reaper skeleton said as he begin to tell them how should they change Dream's future.

As the brothers having a conversation, Dust was in his thought, thinking if he could snitched on him or not. It would be fun, seeing his enemy which is Dream in pain but something tells him not to, he only let out a sigh and watched the two talking about saving Dream. I'm pretty sure this will be an easy task...

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