Chapter 6

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"Dreamy!!" Someone ran toward Dream who was holding a plate of foods he made. "My lemon, thank goodness you're okay!! I heard from Blue boy that you were going to get killed!! Did that sh*t injury you—"

"Strawberry, shut your damn mouth up. It was clearly annoying!!" Midnight grabbed the pink's hoodie before pushing away from Dream. "Give him more space man! Can't you see he was uncomfortable by your nasty slime!?"

Strawberry gasped. "They're not nasty!!"

"Probably you're expired since you haven't bath yourself in decades, that's why it's taste nasty." Swad said, death glaringly at Strawberry with a devil smirked.

"Ooooooohhhhh!!!" There it goes again.

Dream chuckled at them, putting the plate on the table. He felt something will gone wrong but he wasn't sure what it was. He will ignore that and focusing on the bright side. The door bell had been heard, making Dream smile. "Come in! The door is unlock!"

The door opened to revealed his friends are here, that would made Dream's feelings happier than before. He let out a warm smile but this time, it's not a sad smile. It was a happy smile: a genius and true smile. It was the brightest smile than he done every years.

"Dream, your smile is really cute." Eclipse said, facing away from everyone so they won't see his face was cover with a hint of blush as he pretty embarrassed what he said. He felt someone giving him a gently hug and knew who it was, making his face was fully covered in blush.

He was deeply in love with Dream ever since his servants order to kidnap his brother but instead, they kidnapped the original Dream, the way he act towards his servants like a mother, the way he smile made his soul ache. The sad smile he created, he knew something is wrong with him.

Then he heard that lullaby, the lullaby that could break everyone's souls in million pieces. That was why Empire decided something to visit him in the garden when he was free.

"Aw~, is the Empire Of The Moon was in love for Dream~?" Swad looked at him, covering his mouth as he begin to teased him. "Look at his face, he was covered with blush, so cute~!!"

"Oh Swad, would you kindly be quiet?" Empire of the Moon was giving him a sarcasm smile, before pulling out his weapon with a dead eye staring at him creepily. "Before I turn you into crispy fried chicken, I would gladly love to give you to Horror."

Swad begin to sweat at his words, feeling nervous and horrifying when he was turn into a crispy fried chicken in his bird form.

"Alright, you two. You don't need to kill each other." Dream said, patting the two's shoulders. "Now everything had already settled down, let's start the sleepover, shall we?"

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

As the others were done stairs, playing board games before they could go back to sleep, Horror quietly went to Dream's room that was gladly unlock. He slowly opened the door but quietly so no one can hear him.

The room was completely dark, the window isn't open but the room was clean except there are papers all over the desk.

So he wasn't like any depression!Dream. Unless he hide his weapon to cut himself... He checked under the bed, but nothing was under it as he continues to investigate in the room like a detective. There must be something he was hiding.

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