Chapter 6

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Few days later was the day of the trip and right now Satan and MJ left with Diavolo and were on a train with him.

And as everyone was sitting at a table in the dining cart it was really awkward.

Diavolo :.... I'm happy you ag-

Satan : I didn't really have a choice considering I'm a few crimes away from being arrested"

Diavolo : ......"

MJ : ...... so what's this meeting about?"

Diavolo : ......about that......I lied there's no meeting....."

MJ : should I call MC?"

Satan : hold off for a second. What is this then?"

Diavolo : I just want us to talk and try to resolve some things"

MJ : now i understand what MC means by getting involved in everyone's business by them.

Listen if I'm playing therapist I charge 60 an hour so I can split with them and depending on the problem and if I'm almost killed the price is raise for compensation. That's what MC said to do"

Satan : good price"

MJ : yep also why can I faintly hear someone cheering for me?"

Diavolo : anyhow please don't be upset and just give this a chance?"

Satan : there's nothing to talk about. You let Mammon take the fall. let his name get drag into the dirt when there was a better way.

You just did what would benefit you in the long run."

Diavolo : I didn't want him to die. if I knew a safe way to help him I would of "

Satan : hard to believe considering what you wanted to do to me for killing one demon.

Diavolo: I understand how It looks on your part. But please understand on mine I was trying my best to handle everything in a way we all would win"

Satan : I refuse to"

Diavolo : I understand you will always be upset with me. But you cannot keep going on the path your on"

Satan : I only continue because I know you won't do anything to stop me. You even said it"

Diavolo : I said I wouldn't harm you"

Satan : but harming me is the only way to stop me?"

Diavolo : ....I really just want you to be happy Satan there's no need to go on this tantrum and involve everyone"

Satan : you would know about tantrums"

Diavolo didn't know what to say to him but he honestly wanted to help him because he did feel guilty and regret some of his choices and decisions.

So he smiled and said.

Diavolo : ......let's just enjoy the trip and talk more later"

Satan : where are we going anyway?"

Diavolo : the human world actually thought it would be a nice change"

MJ : I can see the sun again...."

Satan : surprised Barbatos let you go for a week"

Diavolo : yep......."

MJ : you didn't tell him?"

Diavolo : he would never let me leave for a week especially to the human world.

But I thought it would be good to just take a trip out of the blue and talk.

I thought it would help build trust but I'm seeing the errors"

MJ : so nobody knows where we are going?"

Diavolo : we are also technically only supposed to be gone for a few hours...."

MJ : I can hear Lucifer lectures....."

Satan : oh we are all screwed."

Diavolo : I thought putting myself in trouble would be a way to gain your trust......I didn't think this through...."

Satan: here give me your guys phones"

MJ: why?"

Satan : just do it"

They both listened and gave him his phones and. Then immediately threw all of their phones out of the window.

MJ : what the hell!?"

Satan : now they have no way of contacting us."

MJ : isn't that bad!? Won't they get worried!?"

Satan : not our problem his problem. He's the one who did this so he'll take the blame and I'm just trying to make it as worse as possible for him"

MJ : ......"

Diavolo : ....."

Later once in the human world and at their hotel everyone had there separate rooms and afterwards everyone went out together and MJ said.

MJ : hey I visited here once! I could show you guys around!"

Diavolo : that sounds nice. I hope you also enjoy the trip"

Satan : what would you suggest seeing?"

MJ then started telling them all the places she thought would be good to see. She was also trying to help distract them to keep arguments from happening and to keep Satan calm.

  And the whole day did end up going well they were distracted and having a good day.

Anyway later as they were walking back to the hotel but Diavolo left earlier to give Satan time alone to enjoy everything with MJ and as they both were crossing the street MJ was going on and on talking about things.

As they were crossing the street in that split second Satan saw MJ about to be hit by a truck.

So he immediately wrap his arms around her pulling her back and making them both fall back on the sidewalk.

MJ then tilted her head up and ask concerned.

MJ : are you ok!?"

Satan :what about you!? You almost got hit!?"

MJ : I have really bad luck it's not the first time. it's kinda like my family is curse with extreme bad luck..... surprised I'm not dead yet"

Satan : .....are you hurt anywhere?"

MJ : nope? Anyway Thanks for saving me"

Satan : look both ways next time...."

MJ : I will also you have very warm hugs which is nice considering it's ice cold outside"

Satan : ......"

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