Stranded, We'll Find You Two

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As the following day continued, everyone on the Thousand Sunny kept looking and shouting out for Nami and Luffy, they continue this for hours but they were still no sight or sound from either of them, but that didn't mean they were going to give up that easily, so they continued what they were doing and shout it out as loud as they can, especially Sanji who only called out for Nami on top of the Crow's nest.







As they continued shouting out, Zoro notice that the Sun was beginning to set which meant it was about to be nice soon and their search for them will be much harder.


"All right that's enough shouting!"




"Well because the Sun is going down which will make our search harder than it is now!, So it's best that we stop now and continue this the next day!"


"Oh we're not stopping!"

Sanji yelled that out as he jumps off the Crow's nest and onto the deck in front of Zoro.


"No one stops looking until we get Nami back on board where she's safe and sound."


"Didn't you hear me cook?, It's going to be a hell of a lot harder to search for anything out there once it's dark, so get that through your deep fried brain of yours."


"Listen here moshead, I don't take orders from you."


"Is that so?"



As Zoro and Sanji begin to stare at each other menacingly, they prepared themselves to fight the other, but before they could multiple hands came out of their back and restrained the both of them.


"That's enough you two, we don't need to resolve to violence in this type of situation."


"She's right and so is Zoro, we'll drop anchor and continue the search tomorrow just like Zoro said."




"Sounds good to me."

After they said that, Robin released her hands from them, and proceeded to head back inside along with the others, Zoro and Sanji follow as well but also looking at each other with the menacing glare.


Meanwhile at the island, Nami was desperately trying to make a fire so she can use the smoke to signal the others, but while she was doing that, Luffy was climbing up a palm tree to get himself a coconut.



As Luffy had his hands on a coconut he pulled on it, but it did not snap from the tree so he pulled harder but the coconut wasn't budging one bit, so he placed his other hand on it and begin pulling with all of his strength.

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