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Jennie is fourteen when it first happens.

It's the first day of high school, and she's more than a little nervous. She knows that things will be very different from Gwangju North Middle School.

The front steps of Gwangju Arts High School are littered with students. Jennie takes it all in as she makes her way up the steps—a blonde boy playing an acoustic guitar; a group of kids smoking cigarettes; some red-headed guy with a beanie grinding on the edge of a step with his skateboard; several girls talking loudly into their cell phones, looking for their friends and squealing obnoxiously when they spot each other. 

Then there are the pockets of red—the lettermen and Cheerios uniforms belonging to the students who rule this school—and Jennie knows instinctively she'll never be a part of that crowd now that she's here.

She wonders where she's going to fit—which clique—and the thought is a little daunting.

Jennie arrives early to her first period biology class, which also serves as her homeroom. There are a handful of other students already there, but no one that she recognizes. She assumes that they all went to Gwangju West Middle School. She offers her teacher—an older, heavy-set woman with glasses named Mrs. Kang—a small smile before taking a seat at one of the tables in the front row.

She smoothes down the front of her dress—white with red and green pinstripes—before taking out her binder and notebook from her backpack along with a pencil and pen. As she finishes setting the items down on the table, she spots a flash of pink out of the corner of her eye. She looks up toward the doorway, and Jennie feels like the air has been knocked out of her when she sees the girl walking in.

Wow, is all Jennie can think as her eyes trace over the other girl's face, focusing in on her eyes—big, brown eyes that shine with enthusiasm. She's beautiful

"Hi, I'm Park Chaeyoung," she greets Mrs. kang with a beaming smile that seems to light up the whole room.

Jennie realizes then that she's staring, and, not wanting to get caught, she quickly lowers her eyes—only to find herself looking at the most gorgeous pair of legs she's ever seen. 

Chaeyoung's green plaid skirt is so short and leaves very little to the imagination, and there's something about the white knee-highs she's wearing that appeals to Jennie. She feels a stirring in her belly—an urge that she's never felt before.

And then those legs are walking toward her, and Jennie flushes a bit at the idea of getting caught staring at this girl's legs. She immediately looks down at her binder, suddenly finding the argyle pattern on it fascinating. Chaeyoung pauses on the other side of Jennie's table, and she feels those eyes on her.

"Is this seat taken?" Chaeyoung's voice is sweet and melodic, and, to Jennie's surprise, almost hesitant.

Jennie looks up, and the look on Chaeyoung's face is one of earnestness and something that almost looks like awe. Jennie bites her lower lip and shakes her head. "No, it's all yours."

Chaeyoung smiles at her, and Jennie melts a little at that. She doesn't really know what's come over her, but she's too wrapped up in the feeling to consider what it all means.

Instead, Jennie watches as Chaeyoung sets her rolling pink backpack alongside their table. She takes a seat beside Jennie, and then, Chaeyoung leans over, getting something out of her bag.

Her skirt, already so short, rides sinfully high up her thighs, exposing more of that perfect, tan skin. And then, the white trim of her panties, hugging against the swell of her backside, peeks out.

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