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A hot and sticky August night finds Jennie and Chaeyoung sprawled out side-by-side on a blanket in the backyard—the sounds of a Jason Mraz album playing softly in the background as they stare up at the stars, their fingers tangled together. 

As the final notes of "I'm Yours" finish playing, Chaeyoung shifts beside Jennie and onto her side.

"I've been thinking about something lately," Chaeyoung begins, and Jennie turns her head, gazing questioningly at her.

"I want to take the next step in our relationship."

"Yeah?" Jennie replies, feeling a flutter of excitement at the prospect. She rolls onto her side and wraps her arm around Chaeyoung, drawing her in.

Chaeyoung smiles, her eyes darkening slightly.

"Yeah. Honestly, I think about it every time we're intimate in some way," she confesses. "I love you so much, Jennie, and... it leaves me speechless sometimes. Like there isn't a song in the world that could convey what I feel, and I can only show you."

"I feel the same way," Jennie replies. "I know I'm not always good at expressing myself... especially not with words... but I hope you know just how much I love you." She pauses, resting her forehead against Chaeyoung's.

"And as for taking the next step... I'm ready," she says, gazing intently into warm, brown eyes.

"I want to make love to you, Chaeyoung."

She caps off her declaration with a slow, sensuous kiss, pouring her love into every movement of her mouth. Her hand slides down to Chaeyoung's legs, caressing the smooth skin of her thigh.

Chaeyoung's hand travels up between their bodies, squeezing Jennie's right breast through her shirt, causing her to gasp softly.   

Chaeyoung takes advantage and slides her tongue easily into Jennie's mouth. Their tongues continue to move against each other as their legs tangle together.

Her erection strains against her shorts and needing some kind of relief, Jennie grabs onto Chaeyoung's backside, pulling her hips flush against her own.

Chaeyoung moans, and Jennie smiles, sliding her fingers down between Chaeyoung's legs and slipping them beneath her tiny, black shorts. She can feel how turned on Chaeyoung is right now—her underwear is soaked through. She pushes herself further against Chaeyoung as she slips her fingers beneath damp cotton, her fingertips dipping into wet heat. 

The sliding glass door opens then, interrupting the moment.

"Time to pack it in, girls!" Hajoon calls outside.

Jennie groans slightly as she removes her hand from Chaeyoung's underwear. She swears Chaeyoung's dads have radar or something. 

"Coming, Daddy!" Chaeyoung replies, extracting herself from Jennie.

"Not tonight, we're not," Jennie grumbles under her breath.

"Jennie!" Chaeyoung hisses, smacking her arm playfully. 

She chuckles a little.

"What? It's true."

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes, but she smiles.

"We're going to plan this out and do this when the time is right. That obviously isn't right now. Or anytime when my fathers are home for that matter."

 Jennie knows she's right. Their first time should be without risk of interruption. But most of all, their first time should be special, and she's going to make sure that she makes it so for Chaeyoung.

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