Chapter 16: A Military Burial

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The entire Secret Unit is at the memorial  of Kenji's crew a few days later.

"So this is what a funeral with military burial looks like." 

Takeshi remarked. 

Rose overheard Takeshi's remark, and gave him a sharp whack on the head. 

"Is this your first time attending a proper military burial, Takeshi? Hush now. We should pay respects to the dead crew of Kenji first, then talk later." 

Rose cut off Takeshi, who started to open his mouth again.

Takeshi gave Rose an annoyed look, then sulked in silence. 

When Rose thought she could finally concentrate in peace, Tashiro motioned for Rose and the entire Secret Unit to come closer. 

"Don't you think it's quite careless and tactless on Kenji's part, to let his crew die off like that?" 

Tashiro murmured to the entire Secret Unit. 

They remained unresponsive at Tashiro's tactless remark, as they're already used to Tashiro making fun of almost anything. 

Riku slapped the back of Tashiro's head, while Kokoro twisted Tashiro's right ear. 

Takeshi slapped Tashiro in the back, while Riku twisted Tashiro's left ear 

"Ouch. Ow. Stop it, all of you. What was it for? I meant no offence, really." 

Tashiro said. 

Rose rolled her eyes in exasperation, and looked around her. 

It seems that the entire Secret Unit won't let her concentrate in peace. 

She looked around again, to see who paid respects to Kenji's dead crew. 

She saw Kenji seated nearby, comforting a young lady wearing combat fatigues. 

Seated alongside Kenji and the lady is her uncle, and some bigwigs from the Elorian military. 

All of them wore their official military uniform, with caps and all.

Uh, oh, she thought. 

She hoped things won't get awkward real quick. 

She hoped that Kenji won't try something funny, or even do stuff that might reveal that they had sex, without the knowledge of Tashiro. 

At the seats right behind them sat her elder brother John Ross talking to Sakura, who's a close friend of Kokoro. 

It's a small world after all, she thought. 

The elites of Eloria knew each other, and often bumped into each other in social events. 

She got up, and started walking to the front seats. 

She tapped her elder brother sharply on the shoulder.

It made John Ross pause his conversation with Sakura, and look up at Rose. 

Rose did a fist-bump with John Ross  and kissed Sakura in the cheeks. 

Rose sat beside John Ross and Sakura, with John placing an arm over Rose's shoulder. 

"What brings you and the entire Secret Unit here, sister?" 

John Ross asked Rose. 

"We got no class today, and already done with school activities for the day, so we thought we might as well drop by." 

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