Beach day at Hawaii!

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With Akira's hotel room

Yukio: So bored!

Akira: LETS GO TO THE BEACH! *jumping up from his bed*

Yuki: Good idea. I'm going to tell Ren's homies and her and see what they think. *leaves the room*

5 minutes later~

Yuki: *enters* They said sure. We will pack for 15 minutes and we will head down to the bus stop to go to the beach. *gets her duffle bag*

Takeshi: AWESOME! What about the others?

Yuki: Yah. I told them too. *packs bikini in her duffle bag*

Takeshi: *nosebleed*

Yuki: Ah. YOU PERV! *hides bikini*

With Ren's hotel room

Akane: We better pack for the beach. *starts to pack*

Ren: Super excited. Never been to the beach in a while actually.

Everyone were finished packing and they all met at the bus stop.

Everyone: *on their phones*

Yukio: Look, the bus. *points to the luxury bus headed their way*

Nikota: *raises eyebrows* Damn..

Akira: Woah. Luxurious.

Sora and Ren: Awesome! *walks in the bus*

Everyone else: *walks on*

Seating arrangements

Yukio:Ren:Akane Yoichi:Yuki:Takashi

Akira:Nikota:Tsu Sora

Sora: It's gonna be a 25 minute drive so I'm going to sleep to let they time fly by. *puts on earbuds and falls asleep*

Nikota: Good idea! *falls asleep*

Ren: Eh. I will stay awake. *leans back*

Nikota: *snores and falls on Tsu's shoulder*

Tsu: Aw. 0///o

Akira: *gets jealous and looks out the window*

23 minutes later~

The bus gets to da beach and everyone hops off the bus!

Akane: *stretches* Ah~ a lovely day at the beach! So peacefu-

Nikota: ALLRIGHHHT! PARTAY! *runs around on the sand* >▽<

Sora: *putting on sunscreen* Don't wanna be tanned~♪ ^.^

Yuki: *waving at some guys passing by* Ehehe, hello there~ ^u^'

Takeshi: *pulls out knife* Someone will die today~♪ ^_^

Yukio: *rolls on the sand* WEEEEEEE!!!!!! >w<

Akira: *rolls eyes* Looks like someone ate too much candy. -.-

Tsu: I'll get the grill. *sets up everything*

Nikota: WHO WANTS TO GO TO PLAY IN THE OCEAN?! *changes into waterproof clothes and runs to the water*

Akira: I DO! *takes of shirt and runs towards Nikota*

Random Girl: >\\\< He is so hawt! *fans herself*

Akira: Eh. *embarrassed*

Sora: *struggles to open his beach chair* These things are so hard to open! EEEH!

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