Chapter 7(Kuroko meets Karasuno and Fukurodani)

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*Minutes later The Fukorodani arrived but the Karasuno not yet and they heard a loud voice

"HEY HEY HEY!!!" Bokuto said while shouting

"Bokuto-san keep your tone down" Akaashi said

*Kuroko flinch because of the loud voice. Kuroko look at Bokuto and he is coming towards to Kuroo

"Hey Boku-bro" Kuroo said spreading his arms

"Hey Hey Hey Kuroo-bro" Bokuto returning a hug to Kuroo

"Well well well look who do we have here" Bokuto said looking at kuroko and observing him from head to toe

"A new guy huh?" Bokuto said

"Kuroo-bro let me introduce him to you. This is Tetsuya my cousin Captain of Kamomedai" Kuroo said while smirking at Bokuto

*Kuroko look Kuroo with annoyed face "Tetsuro you don't have to say that" Kuroko said

"Yeah yeah anyway Tetsuya this in my Bestfriend, Bokuto Captain of Fukurodani" Kuroo said

"and this is?" Kuroko said looking at Akaashi

"My name is Akaashi Keiji Vice Captain of Fukurodani and Im a setter" Akaashi said

"Akaashi huh, same name as Akashi" Kuroko numble

"What did you say" Akaashi said 

"Oh nothing I just remember something when I heard your name but it was nothing important" Kuroko said

*Kuroo look at Kuroko "I knew it his gonna remember him again" Kuroo's Thought

"Anyway I haven't said yet what my position is- Once again my name is Kuroko Tetsuya Captain of Kamomedai and my position is a Setter and Opposite hitter but my main position is a setter" Kuroko said

"Huh same as mine and he is a opposite setter too, heh impresive" Akaashi's thought

"And what is Bokuto's position" Kuroko said looking at Bokuto

"Oh my position is Opposite hitter" Bokuto said

"Same as mine too huh" Kuroko's thought

"By the way where is the Karasuno I thought they will be here to as well" Kuroko said to Kuroo

"There gonna be late a little because their trip is from Miyagi to Tokyo" Kuroo said

"Oh ok I understand  why they are late" Kuroko said

30 Minutes Later

*Kenma is waiting and Kuroko notice him

"so you are waiting your friend named Hinata Shoyo right" Kuroko said

"Yeah and I wonder what took them so long" Kenma said

"Tetsuro said they will be late because of a long trip" Kuroko said

"*Sigh*" Kenama sigh as he continue playing his game

"By the way what game are you playing" Kuroko said looking at Kenma's phone

"Im playing Genshin impact and this boss getting me on my nerves" Kenma said as he showing azhdaha attacking Kenma's character

(Pretend that Genshin Impact is existed at that year)

"hehehe I thought youy are a pro gamer Kenma but looking at you by that expression it makes funny" Kuroko said

"Kuroko!" Kenma said while blushing

"I mean its ok to lose you just need to try it again and again" Kuroko said

"And what version are you playing now? I heard genshin impact is pretty popular especially at the other country" Kuroko said

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