Chapter 21 (Late night game: Truth or Dare)

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Its already night and everyone is bored sk Kuroo got an idea to make their night memorable


Kuroo shout at everyone and calling them...

Everyone got Kuroo's attentuon so they look at him to listen

"What if we play truth and dare🤭😏" Kuroo said looking at me with a smirk

"What?😐" Kuroko said

"Nothing I just wonder if i-"

"Hey! Hey! hey! That's a great Idea Kuroobro! Lets play that😆" Bokuto said

"What a great Idea😄!, and I have question for Oikawa later😏🤭" Iwaizumi said

Everyone agree at Kuroo's Idea

"Seriously😀💢" Kuroko thought trying not to punch Kuroo

They all gather around and form a cicle and sit

Kuroo put a bottle that can spin whoever can point it

"This is gonna be pain in the ass😮‍💨" Kuroko thought

"Lets get started!" Kuroo said

Kuroo spin the bottle and its points at Kuroo himself


"Ptf!- deserve🤭" Kuroko said and trying not to laugh

Everyone laugh and some of them are chuckled

"Truth or dare?😈" Kuroko said with evil smile

Kuroo git nervous because of Kuroko and can't decide

"Umm... truth!" Kuroo said

"Interesting😏😈..... So I have a question for you Kuroo Tetsuroo😊" Kuroko said with an innocent smile

"Your smile is a lie😐" Kuroo said

"Anyway- when did you last time watch a p*rn🤭" Kuroko said

Everyone is interesting in Kuroko's question and they are looking at Kuroo waiting for the answer

"Sooo~?😏" Bokuto said

"...." Kuroo remain silent and can't tell the truth

"Don't lie to us kuroo~ I know what you did~🤭😏" Kuroko said with teasing voice

"Umm...😰 Hours ago...😳😶" Kuroo said

"Damn😦" Daichi said

"Im speechless😶" Akaashi said

"Im felt so emmbarased for captain...😐😮‍💨" Yaku said

"Pft-🤭" Kuroko can't help but laugh

"If the bittle points at you im sure im gonna make you regret it😄💢" Kuroo said

"Aww~ im scared~, i don't care anyway🤭😊" Kuroko said

"Lets move on!" Kuroo said


Everyone let Kuroo decide if truth or dare, some of them are truth and some of them are dare. After an half hour the bottle spins again and this time it pointed at Kuroko

"😦..." Kuroko is speechless that he thought it will not gonna point at him

"Well well~ looks like finally got some lucky this time😏😈🤭" Kuroo said

"Oh shut up!🙄" Kuroko said

"Truth or dare Tetsu~😏" Kuroo said


"If i pick truth im sure he's gonna question me on who i like, if dare... Ugh! forget about truth im gonna take the risk whatever Kuroo made me do" Kuroko thought

"Dare!" Kuroko said

"My~ my~ risk taker" Oikawa said

"But before that, what is your eye color?" Kuroo said


"No! I meant the other color"


"What is Tetsuroo's plan about my eyes?🤨" Kuroko thought and curious about Kuroo's plan

"Its something like red and... violet?🤔..."

"I don't know... maybe red wine color...?"

"Why? Why did you ask? And what is your plan?🤨🙄"

"Your gonna dye your hair with that color😏😈🤭" Kuroo said

"The f*ck!?- What?!!😦" Kuroko is surprise by Kuroo's plan

"Im not gonna dye my hair!"

"Well then if not let's proceed to truth then😏🤭" Kuroo said


"UGRH! This bitch!😒💢" Kuroko thought

"Fine! When are we gonna start😒!" Kuroko said

"Tommorow morning, were gonna buy a hair dye at store😏🤭" Kuroo said



Everyone is not done questioning Kuroko and now its time sleep because it's already 12:06 am


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