Chapter 20, Part 1(Momoi the new manager...)

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I call Kuroo about someone is gonna join their team as a manager

"Tetsuroo i have something to tell you and its really important..."

"Oh~? What is it tetsu?"

"Well since you guys don't have a manager is it ok that my friend is gonna assign as manager?..."

I was waiting for answer but no one asnwer

"Hello~ Tetsur-" I was cut off because of a load and excited voice

"REALLY SOMEONE IS GONNA APPLY AS A MANAGER ON US!?" Yamamoto said with load voice that almost gonna break my eardrum

"I swear to god Yamamoto im gonna kill you once i got there tommorrow😄💢"

"Are you ok tetsu-kun? and who is that? Why did he scream?😅" momoi said

"Im ok Momoi-san, its just some crazy person who wished they have a manager😊"

Momoi blush to my smile

"Oh is that so then i would love to join them😳😊😅" Momoi said

"Can you give the phone to Tetsuroo?, Taketora?😄💢" I said and get iritated

"Sorry Kuroko...😰"

"Sorry about that Tetsu, but anyways yes I would love to, she is welcome here in our team😄😊" Kuroo said

"Momoi-san my cousin said yes😄"

"Really, thank you Tetsu-kun and thank you to... umm tetsu-kun cousin🤩😊❤️"

"No problem ma'am😁" Kuroo said

"And wait! Tetsu perfect timing! some of my friends are gonna come here at my house and would you like to join in our sleep over?" Kuroo said

"Ok then im gonna sleep again at your dirty house again hahaha😆" Kuroko said

Momoi seeing Kuroko laughing is like heaven for her

"😳Tetsu-kun really change and he is so different nkw that the last time i saw him, he so tall😳❤️" Momoi thought

"Hey! My house is not that dirty ya know😄💢" Kuroo said

"Yeah yeah im gonna end now, bye." I end the call and look at Momoi

"So where gonna meet here at train so be ready and dont be late😉" i said

"Ok tetsu-kun see you again, Bye~!😳😣" Momoi said and she run because she counldn't take it anymore, seeing Kuroko like that is like new to her

"😃🤨" i watch Momoi running away and im confuse why she left so early

"Is there something wrong on my face?😀😄😀😄😀"

"Nevermind atleast its now settled and its gonna be ok now😁"

Sunday 7:56 AM

Im waiting for Momoi-san and after 1 minute she arrive

"Sorry to keep you waiting Tetsu-kun Am I late?" 

"No Momoi-san your just in time in fact the train is gonna arrive any minute now"

"Umm Tetsu-kun I wonder..."


"well you know about them..."

"I dont want to talk about them Momoi-san Im really disappointed at them and Im not sure if im gonna forgive them or not..."

"ok Tetsu-kun..."


The moment of silence is akward and killing them to the two until the train arrive

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