Skeleton Key

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You walked to Pigsy's Noodles early in the morning, due to getting an announcement about the mayor coming to Pigsy's Noodles to give Mk an award. To be honest, you didn't even think there even was a mayor. You came up the entrance and entered, just in time to see the mayor make an announcement, "Thank you for this amazing turnout." Mei cheered for her best friend, "Woo-hoo! Let's hear it for Monkie Kid! Hero of the city!" Mei shouted as she threw the stool she was sitting on, on a table. You winced as you could imagine Pigsy's angry face when he found out one of the stool were broken, along with one of the tables.

You went back outside and grabbed a rock. Snapping your fingers, the rock turned into an exact replica of the stool. Satisfied with your work, you went back inside, grabbing Mei and sitting her down while giving her a small pat, "As mayor, I hereby give Monkie Kid the key to our fair city." You clapped and cheered as the mayor gave Mk the key, but slowly stopped, seeing a blue light take hold of Mk and travel across the shop. 'That's....a strange key.' You thought to yourself before your train of thought was interrupted by the strange man, "Oh, you'll love this. It has the power to open anything!" That made you even more suspicious about the mayor and that weird key. "Ooh, anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?" Mei asked, getting into the man's space as he looked at her, sweating a bit and with a confused expression. A strange aura overcame the Mayor as he answered the overly excited girl, "Yes. Or the door to a lion's cage, or an orphan's piggy bank, an imprisoned mystic power source. Whatever you like!" You narrowed your eyes at the Mayor as you walked up beside Mei. 'Why, exactly, would he get oddly specific about what to open?' You stared at the Mayor in thought, which made his ever-lasting smile falter a tad bit. "Today, you can do no wrong. You've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the mayor!" He laughed maniacally before disappearing in a plume of blue smoke.

You looked at Mei, who looked at you and then at the door, "Huh. I'm starting to think, that's maybe not the mayor." You mumbled under your breath as you ran out the door, "That's cause he's not..." You already knew what the chaotic duo would do, their voices getting farther and farther away from you, "Wow. A key..."

Your POV:
"Mayors don't just go 'poof' like some sort of magician. There's something odd about that man and that key." You sighed as you made a turn to an empty alleyway. You looked behind you to make sure you weren't being followed before snapping your fingers. Your scarf fading from blood red to obsidian black. Your (f/c) long-sleeved turned the same color as your, now black, scarf.

You looked up at the sky before pulling your scarf over your head, making the scarf a makeshift hood. You made a portal that would glitch here and there, but you didn't mind since that would happen with you sometimes. Grabbing a black mask to cover your face, you made a sweeping motion with your hand, closing the portal and turning into nothing, but a trail of glitches as you went to find Mei and Mk.

Normal POV:
Flying through the sky is nice and all, but not when there's a giant staff about to crush you. Mk seemingly came out of thin air, screaming in fear. The man screamed in fright as he and the girl next to him scrambled to get out of the way from getting crushed. You were just flying around like crazy, not knowing what to do in situations like this. You stopped, hearing Mk apologize and getting launched elsewhere. You landed on the same crater as Mk before jumping off of it, giving yourself a boost, hearing the ground rumble under you, and shouting, "Sorry!!" Before turning into your trail form and following Mk.

Meanwhile, Redson was busy trying to crush Mei with his truck, failing and ended up getting frustrated, "Stop wiggling!" Mei smiled smugly, "Does it get boring? Us beating you all the time? You know we're going to get that key back, right?" Redson growled in frustration, setting his eyes and hair on fire. Pressing a few buttons, stepping a accelerator, and pulling the lever towards him, the truck got in front of Mei and started to drive backwards as Redson wasn't in sight. Only to find him ejected into his race car, which caused the truck to be thrown off and almost landing on Mei and her motorbike. Luckily, she saw the truck heading towards her and dodged it in time, "Woah!" Jumping off her bike and slicing the truck in half with her dragon sword, she landed safely on her feet as she turned around to glare at the fire demon. "So long, Dragon Horse Girl! Here's a tip, next time pick one animal and—" He mocked before Mk crashed into his car and taking the key in progress. "Mk! Did you seriously lead Redboy's bodyguard to us?" Mei asked, looking at you as you made your way towards the injured Redson. Mk looked at you surprised before looking at Redson again, who laid on the floor and you, who was looking him over as you checked for fatal injuries. "So, looks like you reach the end of the line, Red Son. What are you even going to do with this anyway?" A new voice entered the conversation, "Why spoil the surprise? Now hand the key over and quit wasting my time." You looked at the duo, who looked at Princess Iron Fan with confidence before charging towards her to attack. Redson looked grateful his mother was here to take the key cause if you were gonna be honest, it looks like he couldn't take anymore blows. Seeing Mei take out her dragon sword, resurfaced many memories of the day she got it.

Mini Flashback:
You were watching Mk and Mei play Monkey Mech with Sandy throwing in a few comments on what to do to beat one another. Mei laughed confidently, talking about how no one could beat her...besides you. Her phone rang, taking her focus off the game to answer it. She looked pretty stressed after hanging up on whoever she was talking with. Who later turned out to be her mom, who wanted her to house-sit and of course, Mk took it the wrong way and decided it was gonna be a sleepover.

When you all arrived at Mei's house, Mk commented on how great the house was and how it must've been great growing up in there. Mei started to explain on how she wanted to do normal girl stuff like breaking things and be rough, but since her house was like a museum...her parents didn't approve that. You could understand that, in a way. Although you didn't live most of your childhood with the Demon Bull Family, you could understand how it feels when you're able to be rough. Redson's parents were strict whenever you or Redson roughhoused, but you had each other to be with at least.

You continued walking, trailing behind Mei as she gave a tour of the house. She finally snapped at the boys when they tried to touch some of the artifacts, telling them to put their hands in their pockets. You put a hand on Mei's shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile. She smiled back before nodding and continuing with the tour before Mk stopped the group, geeking over the Dragon Blade. Later to be explained that it was a weapon that was imbued with great power by her thousand times great grandfather and that only a true member of the dragon clan would the blade show it's immense power.

You all entered the Game Room and she went to get some snacks. The day ended with Mk breaking the pinball machine, you fixing with your powers (without anyone noticing), and Mei telling you how she always wanted a sister. "You know (Y/N)?" You looked at her, showing her that you were listening, "I've always wanted a sister..." You smiled at her, wrapping your arm around her shoulder, "You want one? You got one." Your smile faded as your mind wandered, 'How long am I going to keep this up...?'

Flashback Ended:
Those words from that day echoed through your head before a voice interrupted your thoughts, "Matrix?! Get over here, we got to go!!" You blinked before running over to Redson and his mother. Redson made one more comment before disappearing in a gust of wind, "Thanks for the key, losers!" Both you and Princess Iron Fan facepalmed at Redson's childish comment.

You ran beside Redson, "Blaze? What are you guys going to do with the key?" He didn't answer as he gave the key to his father, who opened the tomb that revealed nothing, but bones inside. A light blue spirit climbed up Redson's leg and he shaked it off before Demon Bull King started to absorb the power, who laughed maniacally. The rest of the spirits took hold of the bull clones. You feared this would be too powerful to stop if someone didn't do it now. The only word the spirits felt as soon as they were let out was...

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