Chapter Two ~ Part One

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Wattpadians, heed my warning:

⚠️ I cannot stresss enough that you're about to read shifted sex with dub con (dubious consent). If this bothers you, for the love of gourd, STOP READING. ⚠️


I wake up outside on the damp ground in the pitch dark, my head spinning. I can't make my body respond at first. Slowly, feeling comes back in a dull wave through my extremities, and I try to sit up, but can't.

My neck is held in place by a large collar. No matter how hard I struggle, it doesn't budge. My hands and ankles are secured by heavy bands attached to something, while my knees are open, chains looped around them.

And I'm... Oh, God. Why am I naked? How did I get here? Where is here?

I clench my legs together, but they don't close. There's no give on the chains at all, only a slight rattle. A sound that apparently riles up someone, or something. The rustling grows in volume, and I realize it's not dark, I'm blindfolded.

Fear rips through me as I jerk and kick, screaming for help.

A heavy hand presses down hard on my mouth.

"Told you we should have gagged her."

"Shut up, Chris. She was unconscious. I didn't expect her to wake up so soon."

"Should have put more stuff in those drinks."

Wait...I fight with my hazy memories. I...was at a party. That's right. Zeta Lambda. Full moon something.

This must be the guy who handed me the drink when I walked in the house. I can't...I can't remember anything else. If I get out of this, I'm definitely telling the Dean. Utterly terrified, I scream once more for good measure, but my throat aches.

"Yeah, well, too late for that now. You got the knife?"

"It's too pretty to use for something like this," the other one mutters. "Looks old. What if it breaks?"

"Who cares? Aim for the heart, like he said."

My blood turns to ice. Before I can gather the air to scream again, my knees are wrenched wider, exposing more of my tender flesh. I fight to close them again, but there's still no give, leaving me completely vulnerable.

"Mason, what are you doing?"

I distinctly hear a belt buckle. "She's right here. Might as well make use of her. Don't tell me you didn't think it."

"Jesus," the other guy mutters under his breath. "Can't we just do what the freaky guy asked us to do and get back to the party? Layla is waiting for me upstairs."

I give everything, every ounce of power I have, to struggling in my restraints, screaming words no one can understand.

I don't want to die, I don't want to be 'made use of.'

"We'll still kill her, chillax." He drops down between my legs, bumping into my inner thighs, lining up even as I struggle to get away. "Nothing saying we can't have fun fir—"

There's a vicious growl out of nowhere, barely covering a sick squelch and the guy is gone, leaving a rush of cool air against my leg. The other two men scream, and all I can hear are sounds of flesh being ripped, bones cracking, things falling to the leaves around me. I'm splattered with warm droplets, over and over, as my mind blanks in terror.

This is it. I'll die out here, in this fucked up position. Eaten by wild animals I can't see. Hopefully they don't leave enough of me behind to identify. Not that anyone would care.

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