Chapter Two ~ Part Three

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His expression sends a thrill through me, and if I get out of this, I will absolutely need therapy to figure out why I don't want to get out of this at all.

"You're one lucky slut." Cyan gives me a punishing thrust again, threatening to pull the swollen area out, and I clench, desperate to keep it in. He smirks and rams it deeper. "We've never fucked a human in shifted form. And you loved it, like the dirty whore you are." He repeats the threat of retreat and thrust again until I crash through another orgasm, trembling around him, gaze torn between the way Aeon watches and the way Cyan loses himself.

"God damn, I can't get enough of that," Cyan throws back his head and grunts, coming in me again.

Me either, and that nearly comes tumbling out of my mouth, before I bite my lip, holding it in. No reason to show my hand so soon.

"I can't wait to mount her," Aeon groans around my over sensitized nipple.

I want that, too, even though I shouldn't. I like every bit of this. The claiming, the roughness, the wrongness of it all. How can I ever be normal again?

"Guys, please. Let me out. I won't run. Or fight back."

Cyan full-on smiles, predatory, gorgeous. "I know. You won't be running anywhere with my knot in you. Even when I'm out, you'll never get away. Or maybe I should let you try, huh? Plug your little hole, watch you run, my seed sloshing around in there...fuck!" A shudder ripples his muscles as he closes his eyes, his cock twitching. Another blast of arousal hits me at the thought, too. It's so dirty.

"I think we'll all be sore come morning," Aeon chuckles around my nipple. "Dunno how we'll have the strength to eat."

"What a fucking way to die." Cyan thrusts into me again and lowers himself along my body, rolling his hips erotically as he bites my collarbone. "Why the hell do you feel so good?" It's almost like he's asking himself, instead of me.

"You're s-so hot," I whisper, more shocked than anything that someone, multiple someones, who look like wet-dreams are using my body, enjoying me. I feel like I'm going to wake up any moment.

He chuckles against my skin, licking and nibbling, rolling his hips again. "Wait 'till you see my beast."

My mind reels. "Your beast? guys were...the things from before?"

"Werewolves. Not the fluffy four-legged kind you humans like to imagine." Aeon runs his tongue along my cleavage, lapping at a line of sweat before returning to my nipple. "Damn, every part of you tastes amazing."

"I don't...I don't understand."

"All you need to know is I only took you half shifted this time. Next time, I'll destroy you." Cyan shoves into me deeper, growling. "And you'll love it, slut."

God, there really must be something wrong with me. That idea has my body lighting with heat again. I nod, because I probably will. So much for keeping my cards hidden.

His face hovers above mine again, closer. "Yeah? You like that idea? You think you'll like being our little toy? Taking dick for the rest of your life?" He thrusts into me again. "That abused little kitty of yours dripping all the ti—damn it! I'm never getting out of here!" His head rolls back again, and I feel another pump of hot cum hit my insides, the swollen part pulsating.

If it's possible to die from pleasure, it'll happen tonight. Every cell in my body is wired.

Aeon growls and grips my stomach hard, his teeth clamped around my nipple even harder.

"I'm about to come on the damn ground, Cy."

"Fuck." Cy thrusts again, groaning. "Jam your dick in her mouth. That's her job now anyway."

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