Chapter Two ~ Part Two

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The cock that thrusts in isn't like any I've ever had near me, but the skin feels...human. My brain fights with this information, because it doesn't make any sense.

I choke when it hits my throat. Now might be my only chance to fight back, so, I bite down, but there's a matching bite down on my breast. I let out a muffled scream and release the pressure, and the pressure lets up on my breast.

That's the rule of it, then. I want to avoid as much damage to my body as I can, which means I let the monster fuck my mouth. My clit is finally released, and the lack of sensation is almost more painful.

"Did I say stop?"

It's such a shock to hear the deep, angry voice, I jump, shaking all my restraints. I try to talk around the cock, to shout for help, but it keeps pistoning. Tears prick my eyes from the shame of someone seeing me this way and the cock slapping my throat.

There's an answering growl, as he lowers his head back down. My mind reels. These things answer to a man? And he's telling them to—

A guttural groan escapes as that wide tongue dives deep, twisting inside me. God, it all feels so good. So wrong. I roll my hips in encouragement.

"Dirty little slut. I knew you'd like it."

Shame floods my system, and I battle the moan that wants to escape as I'm tongue fucked even harder, but I can't. It comes out, broken by the downward pressure of the cock in my throat.

"Just can't get enough, can you? Where's that 'no' now?"

His words slice me open, but I can't stop the ecstasy spreading through me, the way I buck against the massive, furry body between my legs, hitting all the right spots, or the way I scream around the bulbous cock. It's hot having my mouth used like this, my body at their mercy. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I struggle to place the voice, through the haze of building orgasm, but all my attention is brought back to my mouth as that cock thrusts deeper and spills cum down my throat. I choke, gag, on sheer stubborn principal, not because of the taste. In fact, it has a subtle sweetness. When he finally pulls out, I spit the excess on the ground, coughing, surrounded by more growling.

"Please," I whisper. "Help."

"What do you think we're doing, slut? Those bricks of shit were going to kill you."

I open my mouth to ask what fucking me stupid has to do with that, but the ocean-scented hand covers it, only there's no fur this time, it's just a normal, wide, hot hand. Lips press to my ear—human lips—and he whispers, "Better not, it'll only make him angrier."

The heat from his breath and the timber of his voice twist my insides. How does he smell the same as the monster? Tears spring up, partly from exhaustion, but mostly confusion. He kisses them away, shushing me. "Aw sweetheart, no need for that."

The one between my legs pulls his tongue out slowly, and resumes the assault on my clit, wrenching a scream from my tired throat. Even though it's muffled by a hand, it's still loud.

"Keep her quiet." The leader is closer, but still distant.

"Gladly." The bearded one gives my ear a nip and whispers, "Open wide, sweetheart."

I don't want to, but what choice do I have? I don't want to find out what'll happen if I fight it. I whimper and let my mouth fall open, craning my head to the side as my legs shake and the creature keeps flicking my clit.

"Look at that, how could you not want to fuck such a pretty mouth?" A large, definitely human cock bounces off my bottom lip several times before diving in deep.

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