Chapter 3

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Cyan's cock slips out, waking me way before I want to. I don't know how long it's been, but it's still night, the forest illuminated by the fat moon. I'm in basically the same position as when I passed out. Tucked against Aeon's side with Cyan's weight along my other, and all three of us still quite naked. I'm sticky in some places and covered with dried semen in the rest.

I'm also a bit achy all over, but honestly, it's not half as bad as I expected.

Aeon stirs with a stretch and palms my breast as he nuzzles my ear. "Time to move, ReeRee." More butterflies spring to life, and I can't help my smile.

Cyan wakes next and is quick to jump to his feet. "Let's go. We're running out of time."

"For what?" I groggily push up to my elbows, gaze trailing the faint outline of his muscular body.

"Don't recall telling you to ask questions, bitch."

Ah, right. How could I have forgotten what an ass he is? Aeon stands and offers me his hand but Cyan slaps it away with a scowl, crossing his arms.

"She can get her damn self off the ground. She'll have to put up with way more than that."

I'm more taken aback than Aeon is, who mimics his posture.

"If you want to make it before The Glade closes, she might need help."

"Here you go with the coddling." Cyan turns toward the forest and back again. "She's not a damn pup. All she needs is proper motivation. Watch." He focuses his scowl on me. "Get the fuck up or I'll chain you to a tree and leave you for the ants. When they're done, I'll come back and gnaw on your bones."

It's so oddly specific, it shocks the hell out of me. Plus, he still manages to look dirty sexy while saying it, even though I want to punch him in the throat. I would have gotten up without the threat, but I can't be sure he wouldn't do it just to prove a point.

I grunt and whimper, pushing up to my feet with only a slight sway. I catch Aeon's apologetic gaze, but it quickly morphs to lust as he scans my body. His cock swells and bobs, but he makes no comment about it or attempt to hide it. I still can't wrap my brain around the fact they find me so attractive.

I almost don't want to see if Cyan's hard, but I can't help it. I glance at him and heat flares in me again. He's not only hard, he's stroking himself, long and slow. But he couldn't look less pleased about it if he tried.

"You either walk or keep staring with those fuck me eyes and spend another night chained to the ground with my dick in you. Your call, slut."

"O-okay. Sorry." I lower my gaze, but flick it back up after a second. Thankfully, he's looking at Aeon.

"Get moving."

Aeon strolls up beside me and curls his fingers around my waist as he whispers in my ear. "Don't worry. We can't be out another night anyway. By the by, you look amazing with our marks all over you. I can't wait to be in that tight slit. Also, keep up with me, or he'll catch you."

He walks past, leaving me breathless, aroused, and scared. Honestly, I can't decide which scenario is more exciting. But ultimately, even though my body is keyed up at both prospects, I follow.

"," Cyan growls behind me, grunting. "What the fuck did you say to her?"

Aeon doesn't stop walking, but he does chuckle. "Oh, nothing."

"Unnh. Hold still, bitch."

I freeze, because if I've learned anything so far, it's listen.

He grips my hip with one hand, pushing his fingers in to the flesh, and shoves my upper back. "Bend over."

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