The Black Queen (4)

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While Daemon was off doing god knows what, the children were sleeping and Lucerys, Jacaerys and Rhaenys were gone, Rhaella went to go see her dragon, Viserion. He was sleeping around the Island so when she heard a grumble behind her she knew he found her first. She turned with a small smile on her face, but that didn't stop him from nudging her with his large head. He could feel her distress.

"I am alright, Vis," she murmured resting her head against his snout. He let out a noise that sounded like a slight whine, "I am just worried about, Luke is all. War is upon us, I don't know how close but it's coming."

Viserion let out a low growl, "We'll be ready though, won't we." The dragon blinked at her with a understanding in his eyes, "Everything's going to be fine."


Little did she know not everything was fine at Storm's End. Lucerys had landed Arrax in the courtyard of Storm's End. Four guards stood there as he hopped off of Arrax, patting him before walking towards the guards. A deeper roar had both turned Arrax and Lucerys back, seeing Vhagar.

He looked forward again walking to the guards, "I am Prince Lucerys Velaryon. I bring a message to Lord Borros from the Queen."

The guards nodded and walked the Prince into the Hall of Storm's End. Storm's End and Lord Borros would not swear to Rhaenyra and instead to King Aegon. Prince Aemond would in turn marry one of the Lords daughters.

When Lucerys turned to leave, Aemond's voice stopped him, "Wait..." Lucerys stopped, turning back to Aemond, "my Lord Strong." Lucerys took steps forward stopping where he stood before, "Did you really think that you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother's throne at no cost?"

"I will not fight you," Lucerys stated. He made a promise to his mother and a promise to his wife, "I came as a messenger, not a warrior."

"A fight would be little challenge. No," he pulled off his eye patch showing the stone where his eye used to be, "I want you to put out your eye."

Lucerys looked at him in shock and did not reply so Aemond continued, "As payment for mine. One will serve." He pulled out his knife tossing it at Lucerys' feet, "I would not blind you. Mm, plan to make a gift of it to my mother." He paused, "Perhaps my sister."

Lucerys eyes hardened at that, "No."

"Then you are craven as well as a traitor," Aemond spoke with a dangerous edge to his voice.

"Not here," Lord Baratheon said.

"Give me your eye!" Aemond's voice rose as he advanced Lucerys picking up the knife, "Or I will take it, bastard!"

Lucerys drew his sword, Lord Borros Baratheon stood from his seat, his voice thing only thing that stopped Aemond, "Not in my hall! The boy came as an envoy. I'll not have bloodshed beneath my roof. Take Prince Lucerys back to his dragon."

Lucerys sheathed his sword and followed the guards out to Arrax. The Velaryon and his dragon running towards each other. The rain came down in sheets, he looked to where Vhagar was but the she-dragon was not there. He patted Arrax, "Focus! Pay attention, Arrax! Be calm! Listen! Obey!" He got into the saddle grabbing on, "Fly, Arrax!" The young dragon took of into the storm.

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