Chapter 14

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Marinette's P.O.V.

I've decided that I would give Tikki to Chloe today so that they would be able to have more time to interact before they leave. Right now Chloe and I are in my and Rara's room. She and I were sitting on opposite sides of the bed and Tikki was levitating in the middle. 

"Mari are you sure that I should get the miraculous now? Wouldn't it be better for me to get it before we leave, "Chloe asks. I sighed and took off the earrings then held them in my palm for the new owner to take them. Chloe looked at the magical jewelry for a moment then hesitantly took them.

"I told you multiple times now that you'll be fine. Master Fu already knows that you're the new holder of the LadyBug Miraculous and he will inform Chat Noir about it too. Also, if you need any help then just ask him, "I give her a reassuring expression.

No one's P.O.V.

It was the weekend once again and Marinette was asked to go to Nezu's office early that morning. The sudden order made her wonder what the reason was for the meeting.  Mari informed Uraraka and Bakugou that she would most likely be absent from activities until later that day.  When Marinette got to Nezu's door she took a deep breath to calm her nerves and knocked on the door.  Once she heard a voice giving her permission to enter she opened the entrance and strolled in.  Waiting for her was a white mouse or... a rat, Mari didn't know what he was, but she didn't show it.  In front of him was Shota, who had black baggy pants, a sweater with Dadzawa sewed, and his signature scarf.

"Ah, there you are Marinette. Please take a seat and we'll talk about an offer I have for you, "Mari nodded and sat down on a chair by Shota.  Ever since he revealed that she was his daughter they planned on doing something this weekend to bond more.  Present Mic, Eri, and Shinso were supposed to join as well so Mari could get to know all of them better.

"I have heard from Aizawa that you're very skillful with your quirks so I decided to monitor you while you were training.  On your first day here you independently defeated Bakugou even with your little experience.  He is one of the most vital students in class 1A so that alone is impressive, "Nezy nodded his head in approval.  

"So what's the offer, "Marinette crossed he legs, waiting for the rat/mouse's response.

"I'm saying that you have a lot of potentials, and I believe that UA would be the best school to help you surpass your limits.  Over the past week, I asked Earaserhead for permission and he agreed.  Now the last thing we need is for you to accept, "Nezu stated.  A million things were going on in Marinette's mind at that moment, but she didn't show it.

"Of course, I would love to enroll in UA, "Mari's answer brought a barely noticeable smile to Aizawa's face.  

Nezu said that Marinette would officially be a student on Monday and that she needed to tell them her clothes size for her uniform.  However, she requested that she keep the information from the Akuma Class until they leave Japan.  Nezu wanted an explanation so she told him her reasons.  This amused him and he wanted to watch how her plan unfolds, thus he permitted Marinette to play a stunt on her past classmates.

After that, she and Aizawa left the office and went to a cafe nearby to talk for a little bit. (I looked the drinks up)  Marinette got a Matcha Triffle Tea and Aizawa got black coffee then they sat down at an outside table.  There was an awkward silence between the father and daughter for a while, but finally, Shota spoke first.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself, "he asks with a smile.

"Sure!  Umm... I think I have a better idea.  Let's play 20 questions so I can also learn more about you, "she takes a sip of her beverage. (My version of the game probably isn't how any of you play it though.  Each person takes turns asking one question to the other until 20 questions have been asked.  So in the end both of the players asked 10 questions each)

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