Chapter 18

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No one's P.O.V.

Mahri sat in a chair under her loft bed while Nathaniel continued to stand up with Markov flying beside his head.

"Well, are you gonna tell me what's up with you two?" 

For all she knew, they could have just been there to chastise her because of some lie that Lila told them but for some reason she still allowed them to enter.

"We will, but before that... I want to apologize for anything and everything I've done to you in the past. I don't expect you to forgive me Marinette, I just-"


She cut Nathaniel off for a second to correct him.


"Call me Mahri from now on and I'll explain why later if you don't waste my time."

"Oh... back to what I was saying. It's your choice whether to accept my apology or not. Plus, that is not the main reason I came here. I'm here to tell you the truth... Lila threatened me not too long after she started attending our school..."

Mahri wasn't surprised by what she heard at that instant since she would not expect anything less from her.

"Tell me what happened to make her threaten you."

"One day, I was packing up my things when it was time to go home and Lila walked up to me and asked if I could do her Chemistry homework. Since she has such a busy schedule and doesn't have enough time, it's not like I have a lot of free time too. So I refused to do it for her, but then she showed me a picture of Marc kissing me on my cheek from a while ago when I thought we were alone. Then she threatened me. Saying that she'd reveal our relationship if I didn't do what she wanted... After that, I kept quiet and tried to follow the crowd."

The bluenette wasn't even given enough time to respond because Markov began speaking right when Nathaniel stopped.

"I've also been feeling suspicious about Lila for a while so a week or so before we left for Japan I looked at security footage from when you "pushed her down the stairs". This is what I found afterward."

A light shined from his eyes and showed a projection on the wall that showed Lila faking her getting hurt. Marinette couldn't be any happier about what she just saw. It was another piece of evidence she could use to destroy Lila.

"Hey, Markov. Are you able to send me that video?"

"Of course."

"Thanks, and Nathaniel... how long have you and Marc been a thing?!"

All seriousness left the room when Mahri leaned forward in her chair with a smile.

"A-about 6 months now, it hasn't been too long." 

"I'm happy for the 2 of you Nat, also, about that apology. I guess I can accept it since it was Lila's threats that pushed you into that position."

"Thank you very much Mahri. So before you said that you would tell me why I have to call you that from now on. Can you tell me now?"

"Sure. Why not."

Nathaniel and Markov silently listened as Mahri explained the events that happened over the past month or so. When she was finished both of them were too stunned to speak. 

"Wow... that's a lot to take in."

Nathaniel has known Mahri for a few years now and she always seemed like a clumsy girl who would do anything for her friends and family. It's not like he was completely wrong about her though. She does have a heart that would always drive her to be as helpful as she can. Yet, she wasn't as awkward, clumsy, frail, or helpless as she made herself appear. 

The two teenagers conversated for about 15 more minutes until Nathaniel said that he should let her get some sleep. So they said their goodnights and Mahri went to bed.

*Remember how this was a flashback... now we're going forwards to the day after Mahri and Aizawa talked about her birthday*

That morning everyone was expecting to do their normal studies with Aizawa, which would only cause them headaches. God, were they wrong. Instead, they had to do a training exercise, so they threw on their hero costumes and went out.

Although when they all got there, Mahri wasn't anywhere to be seen in the group.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa? Where's Mahri at?"

Mina questioned him while she looked around for the bluenette.

"Calm down. She is only going to pick up her new costume."


She squealed with excitement. A few days prior, Mahri and the other girls in class 1A gathered in her room to talk about her costume design. They were all able to put in a few ideas and by the end, Mahri said that she had a picture in her mind of what she wanted it to look like.

"Can't wait to see what?"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N from Griffin

So... I'm a procrastinator... that means if I don't have overflowing motivation for smth or I'm being told or pressured to do it, I will continue to put it off until I don't. Sorry abt updating this late into the month. I wanted to finish this chapter last Tuesday but I simply didn't have motivation...

Have a good day/night 

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