1: Undeadly Thirst

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A/N: Here is a Vampire Romance (: Please Vote and Comment :D I'd really appreciate it (:

And if you like this story or my other one, please fan me ;D  

 It was called 'True Love's First Kill' but I changed it to 'Undeadly Thirst.'

--- Chapter 1 ---

~~~ Damien’s P.O.V~~~

Homo sapiens; or humans as they call themselves, simple minded mammels that populate the planet, Earth. I licked my lips tastefully, my throat burning from my last meal. I stared down at the lifeless body with a stoic expression. I descended from a rooftop and landed perfectly on the cold, damp, dark gravel. Gripping the collar of the shirt, I shoved my finished prey into a black plastic bag and threw it in the trash can. Amateur teenagers.

“Damien…” Someone whispered huskily, a figure emerged from the dark shadows. Already knowing who the voice belonged to; I turned my head to meet the eyes of my loyal right hand man. His black orbs reflected the bright light from the moon.

                “What is it, Lazarus?” I growled, not liking my hunting time being interrupted.

                Lazarus swallowed softly, trying not to provoke me. “Your father, he wants us both…now.” He muttered.

                I groaned loudly, clenching my stone cold hand into a fist. I knew that it wasn’t going to be good news. “Fine. Let’s go.” I hissed, not bothering to protest since my father wasn’t a patient man. Lazarus nodded and we both vanished.


Lazarus and I waited silently in the lobby. I could tell Lazarus was nervous, his face said it all and his hands and forehead were coated with small droplets of sweat. I couldn’t blame him, God knows what my father is angry about, and it could be anything.

                Aurora, one of the female slaves, entered the room and bowed obediently. “The master is waiting in the grand hall.” She informed us and slipped out of our sights. I nodded to her and stood up, straightening my posture and tidied my appearance, Lazarus duplicated my actions.

                We both made our way down the hallway silently until Lazarus broke the silence with a silly comment. “I wish Aurora was my slave, she’s hot, don’t you think?”

                I cleared my throat, “You should stop being a pervert Lazarus. Otherwise you will never find a decent wife to marry.”

                He rolled his eyes, “Whatever.” He mumbled.

                I smirked softly to myself but it soon dropped as we came to the golden double doors. I firmly opened them and we both trudged into the grand hall. My father was sat in his throne; anger was boiling inside of him and raging through his pores. His pale hands clenched into tight massive fist, his snow-white knuckles converting to purple.

                “Father.” Lazarus and I chorused. Father always took Lazarus as another son of his own; Lazarus’s parents were perished when he was at the age of four so father raised him into our family.

                Father inhaled sharply, “Do you two know what day it is today?”

                “It’s Tuesday.” Lazarus said in a sing-song tone. I coughed roughly and stepped on his foot. He winced in pain.

                Father glared at the dark-haired 17 year old. “I know its Tuesday but it’s not what I meant.” He growled furiously. I shuffled backwards slowly in fear. I’ve never seen father this angry and I have to admit, it’s more terrifying than being in a horror film.

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