The Unbreakable Vow

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"You know you really should get out and about more often."

"Says you."

Amarea rolls her eyes at the man's response, "Really funny Sev, really funny." They'd been sitting in his office for hours now, having nothing else to do. It was a miserable day, with constant sheets of rain moving about the cluttered town. 

A knock at the door interrupts her thoughts, her gaze shifting back down to her lap where a Herbology book lay. The door opens with Severus' permission, and Amarea makes no move to lift her eyes to look over the two women filing into the room. 

"Run along, Wormtail," Severus demands, waving his wand and shutting the door in the short man's face. Amarea suppresses a grin at the slam. 

Continuing to read her book, Amarea pays no mind to Bellatrix or Narcissa, only moving to turn a page or decline the wine Severus had offered her. A certain crackle of the fire is what gets her attention, and she watches as the Potions professor gives a quick wave of his wand to bring the dying fire back to life. 

"I...I know I ought not to be here," Narcissa stutters. She glances at Amarea, the sorceress' eyes piercing into her, before looking away quickly. "The Dark Lord himself forbade me to speak of this."

The Dark Lord being addressed causes Amarea to lean forward, resting her arms on her knees and furrowing her brow at the woman. 

"If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you ought not to speak," Severus states, eyes narrowing at Bellatrix who was fiddling with something on the mantle of the fireplace. "Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours."

Bellatrix drops the object.

Severus continues, "As it so happens, I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa."

"You," Bellatrix asks. "The Dark Lord told you?"

Amarea, for once and probably the only time in her life, agreed with Bellatrix. She hadn't been told about whatever this 'situation' was.

"Your sister doubts me," he addresses Narcissa. Amarea lets out a breath, closing the book in her lap and moving from her chair, towards the bookshelves on the wall. Putting it back exactly where she had found it, she turns to continue listening to the conversation, leaning against the dark wood. "Understandable. Over the years I've played my part well. So well, I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time. Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it."

"I don't doubt you, Severus," Narcissa reassures. She hadn't moved for the entire conversation.

"You should be honored, Cissy. So should Draco," Bellatrix chimes in. 

Narcissa takes little note of her sister, only looking at Severus. "He's just a boy," she says, her voice soft. Amarea tilted her head at the sentence, watching as a small wave of fear and anxiety crossed the witch's face. 

"Hold on," Amarea says, signaling a stop with her hand, "What's going on?"

Bellatrix breaks into a smile, "Oh, he hasn't told you." The witch lets out a hum and anger presents itself on Amarea's face. "Draco's going to kill Dumbledore."

"I can't change the Dark Lord's mind. But it might be possible for me to help Draco," Severus says.

"Well maybe I can," Amarea states, her anger turning to worry. She lets it show on her face, not caring who was in the room. "It's idiotic to send Draco against Dumbledore like that. The Dark Lord knows that. I'll talk to him." She looks at Narcissa with determination, "Draco will be fine."

"Severus, Amarea," Narcissa starts, getting up from her chair. 

"Swear to it. Make the Unbreakable Vow."

The room fills with silence, and all of a sudden Amarea can hear every movement of the wood in the fireplace. Burnt charcoal falls, small pieces rolling and tumbling off the logs as the fire burns fiercely. She turns back to the conversation as a word catches her attention. 

"Coward," Bellatrix continues. 

Amarea turns to Severus, watching as he speaks, "Take out your wand." Bellatrix whips her head back around, and Amarea raises her brows at her in a small threat. Severus and Narcissa move to lock arms, and Bellatrix draws her wand.

"Will you, Severus Snape," she starts, "watch over Draco Malfoy as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?"

"I will."

"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"

"I will," Severus states. 

The glowing magical rope disappears and Severus and Amarea switch places. Amarea grabs Narcissa's arm, turning slightly to face her. "Wyllt. Get on with it."

Bellatrix smiles sinisterly, "Will you, Amarea Wyllt, protect Draco for as long as you live?" Narcissa's eyes widen and Severus opens his mouth to speak. That was not what Amarea had said. That was not supposed to be the agreement. 

"I will," Amarea replies instantly. Her cold expression unnerves Severus, as he tries to read what she's feeling. 

"And if Draco should fail, will you yourself carry out the deed the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform." Bellatrix's grin grows wider as she watches Amarea grit her teeth. The sorceress' eyes began to glow brightly.

"Without hesitation."

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