The Green-Eyed Boy

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Amarea sits on the bed she had conjured for herself. Magically making another room was easy; she had offered to do it for everyone else, but Molly refused, saying that they were fine and that she didn't want Amarea to waste her energy. A black raven sits on her knee, sleeping silently. The only sound in the room is the ticking of the clock on the wall, something that was infuriating to Amarea.

The clock reminded her of all the time she had missed. She hated it, missing so much time. Countless things had occurred while she was away, sitting in her cell all alone, the dementors taunting her and the smell of rotting flesh that was somehow still around.

A singular tear threatens to slip down her cheek as she remembers how she has gotten the news. How she had felt when she heard.

"Lily's had the baby then?"

The question continued to haunt her, her brain always reminding her when she had almost forgotten. No matter, she couldn't forget. Not that. The world had come crashing down around her once again, just like it had so many years ago. Amarea had talked to Severus that night she appeared in the townhouse, his words replaying over and over again in her head. She felt selfish, wallowing about in her room when he had seen Lily and James' dead bodies on the ground. Pain coursed through Amarea's chest as she remembered how he described it.

They had left behind a child that night.

Harry Potter.

She was desperate to meet him, just to even see him. Sirius told her he looked just like James, which had made her smile. And then there were his eyes.

A knock at the door interrupts her thoughts. Sirus walks in and Amarea pulls on her gloves quickly. "We're holding a meeting if you'd like to come."

She nods and looks down at the raven. "Repello Inimicum," she mutters, watching the bird disintegrate into a small pile of black sand. "Wingardium Leviosa." The sand flies over to a small pot and she puts the lid on quickly, making her way to the door. Following him downstairs, her black cloak trails on the ground. Green robes that Severus had borrowed from Minerva hanged off her body loosely, her small frame not supporting much.

"I need clothes, Sirius."

He sighs, "I know. Molly doesn't want you to go out yet. She thinks someone will snatch you up." Sirius looks behind him, continuing once he sees the scowl on her face, "Hey, her words not mine. If only she knew, eh?" Amarea huffs and sits down in the kitchen once they get there.

"Oh, Dumbledore gave me this." She gives him a curious glance, taking the letter from his outstretched hand. "Said he didn't want to bother you yet." Amarea studies the letter, not moving. "Well, are you going to read it aloud?"

"Nosy, Padfoot?" Sirius nods quickly. "It says confidential you idiot."

"Okay, and? No one's around, hurry up!"

Rolling her eyes, Amarea opens the letter, reading the contents to both of them. "Dear, Miss Wyllt, I bring either a terrible or wonderous opportunity for you. If you will, I plan on placing you as a new teacher. Of course, a new class will be added this year, as there are no openings for the current classes. For the time being, I wish for you to come to Hogwarts to keep an eye out. I understand your conditions, and of course, you are not required to come. Your dearest friend, Albus."

"So," Sirius asks, dragging the word out.

"So what," Amarea responds.

"How are you going to say no?"

"What? I'm not." A surprised look crosses Sirius's face. Amarea opens her mouth to speak but people start filing into the room. "Just because I was in Azkaban for a couple of years doesn't mean that I'm not going to help protect him. I'm more than capable," she whispers.

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