Chapter 26: The Big Mistake

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"Alright, everyone, remember," Feather commanded. "I'm Villainess. Moss, you're Baron. Equity, you're Huntress. Acorn, you're Empress, and Thorn, you're Toxin. Everyone understand?"

The other Jickeys nodded. They had been training and preparing for their expedition to the Old Palace all morning, up before the Sun, just as usual. They were embracing their lives as Coyotes, as it was essential to their success.

Thorn, or Toxin, as he would be known, swished his cloak, keeping his head low and practicing his stance. Unfortunately, he was a little distracted, as it was July 27th.

"Hey, you guys, its..." he started, trailing off when Acorn, or Empress, swept into the room, her cloak trailing elegantly behind her.

"I could get used to this," She said, twirling winking at Thorn.

Feather, or Villainess, had taken her role very seriously. She let her friends know that she was always the one to lead, as she was not only the only one who had been in the Palace, but because this is how she had previously met her ally.

The disguised Jickeys began the two hour long trek to the Old Palace, their steps dignified and long.

Feather knew that Kaede, Keeper, and Cobalt were trotting through the treetops above them, as messengers and backup, just in case anything went wrong. Just in case, she kept telling herself. Nothing's going to go wrong.

They whispered amongst themselves, about fake meetings and whether these crystals go with this broach, already acting as if they were natural born Coyotes. They knew there were spies everywhere.

It was a mystery to Feather how the Fountain, as well as the Guardians managed to stay hidden, being so close to the Palace.

I'll ask Frigid when we get back, Feather thought.

They finally arrived at the Palace at around two in the afternoon, the group walking in the formation they had decided on.

The guards were just finishing their restationing, and, with luck, Callisto and Blackout were the guards they ran into.

"Hello, Callisto," Feather said, keeping her head low.

"Villainess! You look smashing," Callisto exclaimed happily.

Blackout growled.

"There are more of you then last time," she commented, her voice sounding like she really needed a cough syrup.

"Why, yes. These are my other siblings. You already know Baron and Huntress," she said, dignity pouring through her, gesturing to Moss and Equity.

"This is Empress and Toxin," she said politely, tilting her head at Acorn and Thorn.

Callisto smiled. "Well, as they say, the more the merrier! Come on in, His Lordship needs to see you before you can talk to the Jeweler."

Feather nodded, trying to keep the beads of sweat brewing on her forehead from dampening the hood.

"Of course. Come, siblings," she snapped.

Thorn nearly flinched. All the personality in Feather's voice had vanished, as if it had never existed in the first place. It scared him, but he followed her anyway, as did the other Saviors.

He knew she was just playing a part, he knew this is what she had done back in the Village. He had heard her speak in front of the Village during the Full Moons Festival, he knew she wasn't angry, just making them believable.

Callisto led the Jickeys to the large, wooden door, embedded with black diamonds. Their claws clicked on the marble floors and Callisto daintily knocked on the door. Feather couldn't help but notice beads of sweat trickling down his forehead and his polished silver armor rattled nervously.

If Feather had to guess, she would've said Callisto was afraid. And she couldn't blame him, so was she. She would be face to face with Pirate, on his turf. If any of them were found out, they would never leave the Palace.

Feather assumed their heads would be mounted above Pirate's throne, as a reminder to do what they're told. That he killed the Saviors of the Forest.

But really, they were just a bunch of kids away from home. They had disappeared from their home and their families. They had lives and thoughts and memories of their own.

The door opened and a tall Coyote in polished, silver armor ushered them inside.

Pirate himself sat on a large, black throne with spiraling spears of pure obsidian. It sparkled and Pirate smirked, his Snake wrapped around his shoulders and his jewelry glinting in the afternoon Sunlight that blared through the sunroof.

His crown sparkled with power, and nothing less but power. He knew he was in control.

Not for much longer, you'll be dead before you even realize we were here, Feather thought with a hidden smirk. She straightened her shoulders.

Pirate narrowed his eyes at the disguised Jickeys, Feather noticing Callisto had sunk into a bow. Feather and her friends hastily did the same.

"Your Lordship," Callisto started, his head hanging, all the energy drained from his voice. "This is Villainess and her siblings. They request an appointment with the Jeweler."

Pirate wrinkled his nose at the Saviors.

"Let me speak with them. Alone," he hissed at Callisto, who nodded, bowed, and left the room.

Pirate cocked his head with a toothy smile, his Snake staring, unblinking, at the Saviors.

"Villainess," Pirate hissed. "Beautiful name. I can't say I've heard it before. Who are your parents? They must be very creative, as Coyotes are not Evil."

Feather hesitated. "Our parents... Are..."

Thorn cut in. "Orion and Saggitarius. We don't talk much about them."

Pirate narrowed his eyes at them.

"You all are very familiar, though I cannot say I've seen you before. Orion and Saggitarius, you say?" he asked, twirling his tongue.

Feather nodded, keeping her head low, fear pounding through her veins.

Pirate's Snake flicked its tongue and Pirate's lips turned upwards, into a small smirk.

"Hello, Feather," he said in a bionic, malicious voice.

Feather flinched.

"Excuse me?" she asked, trying to cover for herself.

"I said, hello, Princess," Pirate cooed with an Evil smile, and he tapped his Black Diamond bracelet twice.

The guards dropped their weapons immediateley and their eyes rolled back, only the whites showing, and they all wore the same, horrible smile.

"Nether," Acorn swore under her breath, frozen with fear.

"RUN!" Feather shrieked.

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