Chapter Three: Priacy

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(A/N This one is pretty bad & I apologise for it & final thing, I've editing this chapter! I didn't want to give Edward a bad name, he didn't deserve that!)


"Well done lads." I smiled raising my hand up and cheering as we made our narrow escape from the three-ship sea battle. "TAKE WHAT YOU CAN," I shout as my men scurried along the ship that we boarded looking for anything that would be of use to us.

"Who are you?" One of the men asked, I smirked and leaned down to his level. "Don't you know who we are?" I shake my head, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Nah I don't mate," I smirked, as some of my men chuckled. "Who are you?" I asked, he gulps. "I'm guessing it's someone important," I asked, and he nodded. "And if you tell me, they'll kill you right?" I asked, standing up. They nodded; I rolled my eyes. "Then why ask if I know you?" I chuckled.

"Because I want to know the man who he's going to kill in revenge for me." I rolled my eyes, one thing I hate about the Assassin and Templar War is this shit. I'm a pirate I don't give a fuck about the war between the two factions.

"Mate my name is Edward, you wanna tell me yours or shall I guess?" I asked, hearing some men cheer. He just spat at me; I chuckled pulling out my sword. "I don't care anyways." I stabbed him through his throat. "Anyone else?" I asked they just shook their heads.

"Captain we got everything." I smiled looking at my men. "However, we did lose a few men today." I sighed, closing my eyes and looking at the men in front of me.

"If any of you want to be a part of my crew and not drown with the ship welcome aboard." I put my sword back and jumped back to the Jackdaw where I saw Luciá standing outside of the captain's cabin. I grabbed her arm and pulled her inside closing the door behind me.

"What the hell Edward." I threw her against the bed. "Edward stop." I didn't I climbed on top of her holding her arms.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked looking down at her, I was angry and I didn't know what for. I didn't want her to be seen by the men, I know the men know she's here. It's just I don't want them to know about her like this. "How long were you standing out there?" I asked, breathing heavily trying to keep my cool under wraps.

"What?" She tried to pull away from me. "Edward get off me, you're hurting me." I loosen my grip on her.

"HOW LONG WERE YOU OUT THERE?" I asked once more; she closed her eyes and opened them again. I could see the fear in her eyes, I knew she wasn't comfortable with what I was doing. "ANSWER ME."

"No longer than twenty minutes." I closed my eyes, she saw that. She saw what I did. "I saw what you did, how could you do that." I closed my eyes and let out a chuckle. "He didn't do anything, that's something my father would do." I climbed off her, as I continued to laugh. "It's not funny Edward, he was innocent." I leaned against my desk chuckling harder as I walked turned around to face her.

"It is Luciá." I spoke. "You see he was working with your father, he was here to kill me," I told her, I'm not sure if that was the reason, but the way he was scared to tell me who he worked for, I just put two and two together. "You're the daughter of Torres, you should be used to this kind of behaviour." I laughed as I saw her tear fall down her cheek.

"That's all I am to you isn't it." I nodded. "What you did to me this morning was just to sleep with me." I nodded, once more. She needed to believe that wasn't happening. "I thought you meant what you did."

"Oh darling I'm a pirate, not a gentleman," I replied looking at her. I do care about her, but when I leave her at Nassau I'll never see her again and I don't want to get attached because this life isn't meant for a wife. "I'm working on something big here." I walked over to her, she stepped back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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