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The library was quiet that afternoon and mostly empty except for two 5th years, Loid Forger and Y/N. They sat in a booth with a desk in one of the aisles. It was a cold, foggy afternoon and the grass was dewy from the snow of the pervious night. The library was warm and cosy, as it always was. Loid cleared his throat. "Okay, let's start with English. Did you finish that creative writing story I assigned you?" he asked calmly. Loid had asked Y/N to write a creative writing piece as practice a week ago. She looked away, and stared out the window, fidgeting with her thumbs. "Y/N?" he asked again. 

"O-oh! Uhm.. w-well..." She stuttered. She glanced at him, noticing he was fidgeting with his pen. She looked away again at the window, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Hmm... did I not give you enough time? Maybe we should've practiced it together more..." Loid muttered, looking down in thought. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped. She took out a book from her folder and placed it on the desk. 

"I-I did finish it! It's in here... it's just...-" she muttered. She was too nervous to speak full sentences. 

"Hm? What's wrong? You don't have to worry, I won't judge you. Actually, I'm interested to see what you've written." Loid said calmly, leaning in closer to her. 

"Well.. it's just.. stupid. I was thinking of rewriting it." she admitted. If he read it, she would turn into a tomato out of embarrassment. He put his arm on her shoulder. 

"It's not stupid. I'm sure you've written something amazing." he said, assuring her. Her face started turning red, and what made it worse, is that he picked up the book before she could react. He flipped it open and read the title. Oh god, she was DONE FOR. She scooted further down the seat, putting distance between the two, and looked out the window away from him. She sat in silence as her skin started reaching boiling point. There was NO WAY she could explain this. She didn't have one, single excuse. 

Loid cleared his throat. He walked around the booth over to her, and stood in front of her. She couldn't read his expression, it seemed... normal? "Y/N... this isn't about me, is it?" he said calmly, his expression the same. She jumped in her seat slightly. He DID read the right story, but... she still couldn't read him. She stared silently at the paper, unable to make contact. Finally, Loid couldn't stand the silence. "So.. it is?" he asked, a bit hesitant. She slowly nodded her head, she always felt guilty about lying. After this slow little nod, his face expression changed. He was... grinning? She blushed even more, he looked so hot when he grinned. She stood up, ready to flee out of embarrassment. His eyes followed her... what did this mean? Loid leaned in and placed his hand on the wall next to her, trapping her. He stared into her eyes, and his eye contact didn't waver for one moment. She couldn't look away, but she was screaming inside. His gaze was killing her, she had dreamed for this day to come. "Is this what you want?" he asked playfully, flirting, it seemed like. His grin was still charming as ever. He leaned in even closer, his head just a few centimetres from hers. 

"L-Loid..." she stuttered quietly. She could feel his breath on her skin.

Hey besties the friend im SUPPOSED to be writing the gigachad chronicles with is not doing her job 🙄 so here's a Y/N fanfic that my bestie alex  (AlexaaR#1234 on discord) wrote and sent to me to bully - send all mean comments down bellow queenies and have a fantastic rest of ur life <3 or dont i could care less

Hey besties the friend im SUPPOSED to be writing the gigachad chronicles with is not doing her job 🙄 so here's a Y/N fanfic that my bestie alex  (AlexaaR#1234 on discord) wrote and sent to me to bully - send all mean comments down bellow queenies...

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