Chapter 3: Dead or Alive

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14Ball: "Previously, on Crossover to Madness"

Y/N: "Well, if I swallow my fears, I can breathe fire"

Nora A: "Are you sure you know how to cook?"

Jaune: "How are you so good at cooking?"

H/N: "Gargantos, are yOU KIDDING ME!?"

Lamplighter: "You're joking, right?"

H/N: "No. I will not give in, I will not give up"

H/N: "...Does that count as I beat him, or would that technically be a suicide?"

???: "Hmm... So a new vigilante has popped out?"

It was a cloudy morning in Union City, and Y/N was busy chilli- working... He was working at his restaurant job. While there was no customers at the current moment, Y/N sat back and was looking at the clouds.

Y/N: "Looks like it's going to rain"

Nora A: "It's going to do more than rain Y/N, the news says it's going to storm"

Y/N: "I don't normally watch the news, I learned that from my old dimension"

Nora A: "Yes, I've heard"

Y/N: "How did- nevermind. I keep forgetting you can read minds..."

Nora A: "I know, and also, no. We're not closing the restaurant due to the storm"

Y/N: "How come?"

Nora A: "Because this building has stood in this very spot for a couple hundred years, outlasting several deadly storms... And because people sometimes rush in to save themselves from said deadly storms"

Y/N: "That's dark... I'll go start the warmers"

As soon as he started the cooking appliances, the slight pitter-patter of rain could be heard on the roof, indicating that the storm would start any second.

Y/N: "Alright, everything is set"

Nora A: "And just in time, listen"

At that very moment, thunder rang out, and the sound of pitter-patter changed to the sound of thousands of drops constantly hitting the roof at once.

Y/N: "I'm gonna do something I would normally never do, and turn the news on"

Right as Y/N turned on the restaurant's TV, and flipped it over to UNN, (Union News Network), the sound of the front door opening and people running in caught his attention.

The group of people that came in were a bunch of teenagers, probably running in to avoid the rain, much like Nora had said. However, Y/N just so happened to recognize this group of teenagers. But he would have never guessed that this random bunch of teens would be together.

(On top: Clementine, Ben, Generator Rex, and Danny; On bottom: Finn, Manny, (Which I didn't draw, credit to artist), and Kim Possible)

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(On top: Clementine, Ben, Generator Rex, and Danny; On bottom: Finn, Manny, (Which I didn't draw, credit to artist), and Kim Possible)

Y/N: (in head) 'Danny Phantom, Ben 10, Finn the Human, Generator Rex, El Tigre, Clementine, and Kim Possible? What an odd combination'

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