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❪ devils tongue !

Aenemera woke up the next day with a quickness in her step as she rushed to get dressed with the help of Lyra and raced downstairs to the dragon bit to see her boy. It had been weeks since the last time she rode her dragon and she was missing him terribly during these hard times.

Lyra tried her best to keep up with the princess and kept calling out her name while waving a few pins in her grasp. "Wait! Princess, your braids aren't finished!"

When Aemenera finally reached the entrance for dragons to appear and a few trainers helped guide Baeselyx outside, a peaceful smile fell on her lips and she practically melted at the sight of him.

He had grown a lot bigger the past few years and his size had almost reached half of Vhagar's size. He was a true sight to be seen and Lyra was always intimidated by his large beauty.

"Princess," Lyra breathed out tiredly as she carefully made her way closer. "I have to finish your last braid." She let out a short laugh as she almost fell over from the chase.

"Such iā gevives," Aenemera spoke to Baeselyx while running a gloved hand across his scales. "I've missed you so much," she whispered the last part to the dragon. ❪ such a beauty

Baeselyx turned his snout towards the princess and breathed in her scent while she rested her head against his. Her eyes closed briefly and her arms wrapped around him as much as they would allow.

Lyra smiled at their connection and came up behind the princess, gently tucking the last braid away with the pins so it didn't get loose during the flight.

Lyra had her dressed in all black to represent her house colors. Her shoulders fanned out like dragon scales and she had hints of red on the Targaryen symbol on her chest. It was one of the finest pieces Aenemera admired to wear while going out riding.

"My princess," Theophilus finally appeared, dressed fully in armor while Westerling was at his side.

He eyed the dragon carefully while keeping his distance as Aenemera finally acknowledged his presence with a grin. "Good morning, nice of you to arrive so quickly."

The man laughed gently and bowed his head. "I apologize, when I heard the princess was running through the halls, I quickly gathered my belongings and raced over."

"You're good at keeping up," she grinned wider and turned back to her dragon. "Theophilus, I'd like to introduce you to Baeselyx. He's grown with me since birth and he's naturally highly protective." She caressed his gold and red scales gently. "If I were to ever be harmed, it won't be the kingsguard you'll have to worry about."

Theo nodded understandingly as Lyra took a few steps back to stand beside him, allowing Aenemera room to climb on top of Baeselyx.

"Īlon're jāre syt iā kipagon tubī," Aenemera spoke gently. "Ivestragī's jiōragon ao hen isse se vēzos naejot spread aōha tīkuni." ❪ we're going for a ride today; let's get you out in the sun to spread your wings

Above their heads in the sky was a loud screech coming from Vhagar. Aenemera furrowed her eyebrows and squinted past the sun, noticing her large old wings moving past the clouds in the distance.

"Good luck!" Lyra shouted to her dear friend.

Aenemera eagerly climbed on top of Baeselyx and got herself situated onto her saddle and held onto the reins. "Sōvēs." ❪ fly

Baeselyx flapped his wings several times before beginning his take off into the clouds. Lyra tilted her head back and smiled wide, always enjoying seeing her friend do what she enjoyed most out of the castle.

DEVILS TONGUE, aemond targaryen Where stories live. Discover now