Chapter 1

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The school coffee was horrible.

I hated it. But in my exhausted state, it was the only thing keeping me awake and sane, especially now because I had skipped lunch to complete an assignment -- which I quickly realized was a bad move as my stomach practically started eating itself.

I could only hope that the coffee and cookies in my bag would be enough to keep me satiated.

I slam into something hard as I turn the corner. Was there a pillar here I was unaware of? Though If I did slam into a pillar my nose would have started bleeding. Which it isn't. At least I think it wasn't. So we're good.

My arms get relieved of the heavy weight of the extra books and assignments I was carrying from my previous class as the coffee I was holding spills all over my cute cat t-shirt.

Not the coffee. Though it was terrible in taste, it was the only thing to get me through my free period and the rest of the school day. And my white T-shirt. It had a huge brown stain on it.

I frown at it and crane my neck upwards to look at the tall guy standing in front of me as my blue eyes lock with his green ones.

His green eyes were unique if I said so. They had the beckoning aura of the forest. Familiar but mysterious.

I blink snapping myself out of those mesmerizing green eyes. I would just quietly collect my stuff and leave for the library.

I bend and collect a few stray papers that had fallen out, putting them in their respective books.

A brush on my hand jerks my attention to the boy to my left, helping me collect my stuff. I look at him from the corner of my eye to see him picking up my black folder -- which contained my assignment -- dripping with coffee.

I had missed lunch for that. And now I had to do it all over again. Great.

Normally anger didn't come to me easily, having lived with a whiney younger brother. But the exhaustion and hunger combined were bringing out my frustration at the sight of my assignment.

Guess I was in for another sleepless night. Ugh.

I stand up holding my books close to my chest, nodding at the mystery guy in front of me giving him a thank-you look as he hands my folder.

"Do you need help with that? I know a few ways to get rid of coffee stains" He rubs his neck, gesturing at the stain with a tilt of his chin. His voice was smooth, with an underlying accent.

I narrow my eyes at him. He didn't even apologize for standing in the middle of a hallway -- causing me to get that stain. And now was asking to help me.

I wasn't foolish enough to get help from a guy I had never even seen before. He looked around my age but I hadn't ever seen him and I knew everyone in our year. The fact that most of them didn't even know I existed was something else in itself.

I was kind of a wallflower. Though I could protect myself when needed.

"No, thank you. I can do it myself" I shake my head a bit, sidestepping him to leave before I hear something.

"Of course, you can" His whispering reaches my ears making me stop in my step. What did he mean by that?

My frustration was still simmering at the surface because of my ruined assignment.

"What does that mean?" My voice coming out a bit more sharply than I'd like. Turning around I see his form -- leaning against the wall made of grey bricks that adorned this entire narrow hallway -- go rigid when he hears my tone.

He turns around and looks at me with wide eyes.

"I didn't mean it in a wrong way," He says while holding his arms up in surrender.

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