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September 28th, 2022.

"I love you" I whispered into his bare chest after we'd stopped spinning around the kitchen in each other's arms. Our laughter had gently faded into blissful, soft smiles and stargazing in each other's eyes. We could stargaze together for hours.

I'd flown into London yesterday morning from Nashville, and Joe and I hadn't stopped touching since. 6 days was too long to be apart. I'd been having meetings with my label for the new album, Midnights, coming out in October, and Joe had come with me, but this week he had to be in Spain for a film festival. We had facetimed every night but we missed each other so much that we'd make jokes that we'd swim to each other.

Now it was today. Our 6 year anniversary. It was strange to think that our relationship, a love that had blossomed and grown over time, was forever. Every past relationship felt inferior, childish, compared to the love Joe and I had. I've always wondered when every previous lover of mine would finally leave. I thought love wasn't in the cards for me.

But Joe stayed. He loved me when the world didn't, he held me as I cried into his chest, he supported me through everything I did, and now he holds my body as we sway, so perfectly in love, to the soft buzz of the refrigerator.

It's about 10am, I think, and we only got out of bed a few minutes ago. When I was younger, I never really liked sleeping in, but now I just wanna be where Joe is. I'd woken up completely engulfed in his arms: My warm, tight, soft safe space. I twirled his hair around my finger for a few minutes and watched his long eyelashes flutter.

"Mhm, morning baby" he muttered, his deep British voice and soft smile an intoxicating mixture making me drown in him.

"Morning my love. Happy six whole years."

This makes his soft contentment grow into a massive grin, and he suddenly has the energy to prop himself up on his elbows, and kisses my face, so passionately but not very well because we're both smiling too much. We continue to make out, our hands on the others' face, until lack-of-oxygen forces us apart. He places another quick kiss on my lips before laying with his head on my pillow and his arm sprawled possessively across my bare chest.

"Happy 6 years my love, thank you for every second of it" he whispers into my hair. I let my eyes drift open and closed, enjoying the proximity we had missed for so long. Joe's finger traces similar patterns onto my stomach, and my heart goes all tight and happy when I figure out that he's drawing love hearts.


Hi guys!! This is my first ever fic so please give me tips/kind feedback!

Updates might be a bit random but I'll do my best.

The next chapters will be much longer!


- Phe - 

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