Chpt. 5 - Morning peace

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October 5th, 2022.



I'm not sure when my brain clicked into consciousness, but it was around the time Meredith decided she wanted breakfast.

"Mere, go backtuh sleeep." I heard Joe mumble behind me, his voice gravelly but quiet. After a few more seconds of her incessant yowls, I felt Joe carefully unwrap his arms from around me, trying not to wake me, and crawl out of bed to feed her in the connected bathroom. I heard him grumble something at her before walking back towards the bed.

I still had my eyes closed but I flopped onto my back and reached up to Joe for cuddles. He chuckled and climbed into my arms, putting his own around me and whispered, "Good morning, love. Sorry if I woke you," into my ear, in his rich, deep English voice that makes all the butterflies in my stomach dance. I mumbled some incoherent noise back, before I could formulate words: "Is okay, Mere woke me up like five minutes ago."

A bit more breathily this time, he chuckled back "Oh? So you pretended to be asleep so I would feed her for you?"

I playfully hummed in agreeance and he kissed the messy hair covering my forehead.

Joe kissed his way down my body, stopping for a few seconds at the tip of my nose, my lips, my neck, my collarbones, the naked valley between my boobs, the bottom of my ribcage, the small pockets of healthy fat I'd gained during quarantine, my hips and the outside of my thighs, pushing the silk bedding off my naked body as he went, before making his way back up to my lips. His trail of kisses wasn't even sexual, just purely affectionate.

After caressing my lips with his own for a few minutes, he went back down to my belly. It was still flat obviously, we had only found out yesterday, but it was crazy to know that I would be showing in just a few months.

"Good morning to you too, my little buddy," Joe said between soothing kisses to my abdomen.


Joe was still whispering little promises of "I love you so much, little tiny buddy," into my belly when I woke up again. I ran my fingers through his blonde hair, that got messier every time we woke up. I couldn't say my hair wasn't doing the same. He pressed a final, very soft kiss to my belly and climbed back up towards me to kiss and cuddle me. He draped his arm across my ribs, just below my breasts, and whispered "oh my god you're going to be so hot when you look super pregnant!" I snorted at him and rolled onto my side, holding my body up with one elbow, so I could kiss him. Our kiss got a little bit more passionate, but it was much more gentle than sexual. We would have plenty of time for that.

After a few minutes of basking in each other, he asked "what do you want for breakfast, babe?" He had asked me that every day since late 2016 and always made me whatever I asked for. In 2016, at the height of my eating disorder, he noticed I wasn't actually eating the meals I told him I was, so he'd begun asking what I wanted to eat, rather than if I wanted to. I still had the occasional bad thought about my body, but I was pretty much recovered from my eating disorder now. Or at least as recovered as I ever will be. Yet, he still made me breakfast everyday.

"Hmmm, I'm honestly not that hungry. Maybe toast? Whatever you feel like." I responded, and he kissed me again. "I'm happy with toast. Can always eat more later if we're hungry." He said, crawling over me to get off the bed, before lifting me up and carrying me bridal-style towards the kitchen, despite my squeals as we went down the stairs. I was joking though, I knew he wouldn't let me fall.

The kitchen was one of the most beautiful parts of the house. It was very open and seemed to always be filled with sunlight, even through London's rain. There was ivy climbing across the overhead cabinets and a large flower vase in the middle of the kitchen isle. It was the room that made our house feel like home. Joe placed me on the cold benchtop and grabbed his shirt that was hanging off a chair at the dining table and put it on my naked chest. We had no neighbors for a few hundred meters and our property was secure enough that nobody could get close enough to see though the windows, so we weren't really concerned about privacy. I wore underwear to bed, so I didn't bother to find pants, and Joe had pajama pants on but didn't really need a shirt.

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