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"Huh? A party?" Soobin questioned, slightly confused. A few hours after Soobin and Hueningkai woke up, Yeonjun came up and announced his plan of a going-away party.

"Yes! I've had it planned for weeks and I've already bought everything for it!" Yeonjun exclaimed, clearly extremely excited.

"..and you decide to tell us now?"
"I guess, it slipped my mind- anyway, you two need to help me set up, I told everyone to start arriving at five o'clock!"

Sunwoo wandered back to his house, more disappointed than ever. His local alcohol store, the one escape he had, was closed for the night because "the owner was invited to an event" or something like that.

"You look like you need a drink," Sunwoo turned his head and saw a girl, probably around his age, walking towards him.
"You'd be right."
"There's a party down the road, actually. I'm not going though, but there's going to be alcohol there. You should go. I've heard Soobin and Yeonjun know how to throw a party." Sunwoo just about choked - there's no way it could be that Soobin... right?

"S-Soobin? Do you know him?"
"Yeah, I know him. Why?"
"By any chance is he currently dating someone?" The girl's expression turned visibly sour.
"Yes, his name is like Hueningkai or something. I don't know for sure though."
"Okay...wait, why aren't you coming?"
"I have history with the Soobin guy and, to be honest, I don't think he'd be that ecstatic to see me. Tell him you saw a girl called Yuna for me, though. Catch you later."
"Sunwoo, see you around."

The clock had just hit the six o' clock mark and already, the house was packed with people. There were people getting drunk off themselves (even though most of them weren't legal), people making out in every corner (Soobin and Hueningkai partially included) and everyone pretty much having a good time.

After some time, Soobin had to take Hueningkai upstairs as the younger had gotten slightly "tired" from the activities downstairs.

"There's some aspirin in the first drawer, you should rest a little." Soobin kissed Kai's cheek and walked back downstairs into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, the front door opened once again and Sunwoo walked in, immediately getting hungry stares because of his striking looks. He saw a banner on top of him reading "we will miss you jun!" and looked for the person who resembled him.

"Hey, can I help you?" Yeonjun asked Sunwoo with slurred words, being polite and unsceptical. Beomgyu was next to him, making sure that his boyfriend wasn't going too out of control.
"Do you know someone named Hueningkai and if so, where is he?"
"Hyuka? Oh, he's upstairs in Soobin's room sleeping. Beom, dance with me!!" Yeonjun complained.

Sunwoo took off and started running upstairs as fast as he could. He opened the door with the title "soobin's room" and there he was. Hueningkai looked like an angel when he slept, handcrafted and delicate as Sunwoo would say. He walked even closer and touched the side of his face with the back of his hand.

Beautiful. It was as if he was glued down by his obsession, making it more of a struggle to move, think or breathe.

Hueningkai's eyes fluttered open as he stirred from his slumber as he was met with an ungodly sight. His ex-boyfriend was frozen in front of him with tears streaming down his face, gathering a small patch of water in the carpet.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" Hueningkai asked in disbelief. He was finally doing fine and he just had to come back and mess everything up again.
"Honestly, I don't know. But I know what I need."

"I don't want to hurt you-" Hueningkai scoffed in response to these words.
"The irony... god, it's deafening. You-you... what you did was just unforgivable, I'm sorry but it has to be said. I can't believe how stupid I was, I thought you loved me, guess I was fucking wrong."
The water was threatening to stream down from his eyes as he grew more and more terrified. It was when his ex-lover grabbed his cold hand and heated it up did he fully stop resisting.

"Kai. You have to believe me when I say I did, I feel like I still do to be honest with you. I know that what I did was purely disgusting, heck I almost killed myself when you left, but you need to understand. I want you to be happy but I have a problem of my own." The grip on his hand on Kai's tightened, reminding the younger of the way he used to when he was cold.

"Hueningkai, physically and mentally, I can't bear to see you with someone else. It's like you're a drug, I can't stop thinking about you everyday, it's a serious problem."
"Drugs are unhealthy practices."
"But distancing yourself from them will cause you immense pain."

"Hey Kai, we got you some drinks-" The bedroom door creaked open and Sunwoo, along with Hueningkai, turned around and saw Taehyun and Soobin, far from happy at what he was looking at.

Why is it always him?

change your mind - sookai ff ☆Where stories live. Discover now