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last chapter lessgo!


"Are you okay, Soobin? You look really pale." Taehyun asked, holding the hand of his best friend. The elder had no idea what had just happened, but in that moment, a small shiver ran down his whole body, making his body cold to the touch.
"JK, I need you to step on it, we're almost there.." Namjoon muttered to himself while loading the guns with ammunition. Meanwhile, Jimin was sitting next to Soobin, rubbing his back.

"Alright, we're here. But this just looks like a regular house?" Taehyun questioned.
"Don't judge a book by its cover." The three eldest said in unison while hopping out of the police car. Together, they ran to the front door and kicked it down. Upon opening the door, Soobin was astonished.

Sunwoo, perfectly placed, stood in front of the five of them and, with a smirk, said, "Seems like you're too late." He threw an empty pill bottle up in the air and caught it.
Immediately afterwards, Soobin sprint past him, down a set of stairs and into the darkness of the basement.
"Hey, Kai? Are you alright, where are you-" He finally found the lightswitch in the room.
Instantly, it illuminated with light and shone upon the hundreds of pictures of Hueningkai. However, that could be considered normal in comparison to what lay on the floor.

Hueningkai, in his weakest state, fighting for his life and the gift to breathe. A deafening aura cast upon his body as he whimpered softly, desperate for help but wanting to give up at the same time.
"Soobin? Is it really....you?" Kai said, his voice getting weaker by the sheer second the two were in the room together.

"Yes, yes, of course, it's me! Listen to me, okay, just try and keep breathing and I'II bring you to Jimin, he's a professional."
"We can talk about it later, please save your breath-"
"You're not going anywhere with him." Sunwoo said, behind the pair of them.

Soobin turned away from Hueningkai to commence eye contact with his ex-boyfriend.
"You're sick, you literally almost made him kill himself and you still want him with you?" Sunwoo glanced lazily at Hueningkai on the floor who was heaving incredibly loudly before looking back at Soobin.

"I didn't do that, you did. Why do you think he did it, because I kept him in here for a while?
Don't be absurd, he's smarter than that. Kai knew that you would come for him, or at least he hoped. I guess, when you didn't, he finally gave up - why did you think I said that you guys were too late when you intruded in here? Plus..." He walked up to Soobin, a lit fire shining throughout his eyes.
"If I can't have him, nobody will. I would have taken the pills from him, but I figured it'd be better for you to pay the consequences."

The pain Soobin felt was agonising, and it killed him to admit that what Sunwoo said made an immense amount of sense. He loved Hueningkai so much and, to be honest, if his soulmate had just given up on him, what would be the point of going on?
"N-no, that's not true." Hueningkai said from behind them, granting him the stares from the other two.
"Soobin, I d-don't think you can comprehend how much I love you, and yes, I w-" He was very obviously struggling, considering how much poison he had just consumed. Soobin walked over to him and held his shaking hand, tears flowing down his face.

"Y-yes, I was scared, hurt even, that you appeared to have given up on me. I'm really sorry that I'm making you feel this was b-because of my selfishness."
"How laughable. Hueningkai, can't you see what he's doing to you? Because of how obsessed he is with you, you could have wound up dead and you still turn to him. Disgusting. But what can I expect from you, after all."
"What's that supposed to me-"

"Kai." Sunwoo squatted down in front of him and quickly kissed the side of his mouth. "You're incredible, exquisite even, but you really need to learn how to make the right decisions, for the sake of yourself."
A loud burst came from the door and all of a sudden, Taehyun, along with the three officers, were aiming their guns at Sunwoo.
"Hands up where we can see 'em!"
"I'm not leaving you, Hueningkai. Even if we're not together, I know the effect I have on you. I'll let things fall in place. Goodbye, for now." He fully stood up and faced the three officers, smiling soullessly. "Let's go then."

"You're lucky opium is extractive, otherwise we'd have to send you to the ER." Jimin whispered to Hueningkai while his hair slightly bounced due to the wind. Kai swore he saw some glitter fall off of him but put the thought behind him.

"Okay, you're all done, just make sure you drink some more water for me, 'kay?" Jimin said, smiling and it was only when Hueningkai nodded in response that he was set free. Jungkook and Namjoon ended up calling the other four policemen they worked with and Sunwoo was taken to the station.
"Hey, you okay?" Taehyun asked Soobin, smiling slightly.
"Yeah, I just called my dad. Told him that I didn't want to go with him, and that I'd appreciate it if he left me alone... then I blocked him."

Taehyun rubbed his best friend on the back and said, "It's alright. You'll get over it and I'll be there with you."
"Thank you, you should probably go be there for Jungkook too. Just confess already, man. It's already so obvious he likes you."
"Y-you think? Well okay then, wish me luck!"
"You got this, Tae!" As he walked away, Namjoon came walking up to Soobin.

"By the way Soobin, how's your older brother doing? I haven't heard from him in months!"
"Oh, he's alr- WAIT! We need to go back, NOW." Soobin ran up to Hueningkai and, after explaining the situation, they ran together towards the doors of the car, everyone else following.

"YEONJUN!!!!!! WAIT!!!!!" Soobin screamed, probably loud enough for the entire street to hear just before Yeonjun sat in the taxi.
"Soobin? I thought you forgot!" Yeonjun responded, the tear marks obvious on his face. They both ran to each other and braced the other in a well deserved hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Yeonjun..."
"Please don't make me cry more than I already have, but me too." Yeonjun pulled away and faced the younger.
"Soobin, I'm so incredibly sorry that I haven't fulfilled my promise to be your parental figure properly and you deserve more than the world can give you, but I swear to you this isn't the end. I'll come to visit you from time to time, and I'll never forget the time we had together."
He finished while crying and a small sliver of sunshine shone through the fluffy clouds while it started raining lightly. The raindrops fell off the leaves gracefully and Yeonjun laughed soulfully as the rain kept pouring down harder.

"Jun... I love you so much, and I hope you have the best time with Beomgyu living together."
"Soobin, promise me that you'll be okay. You need to make sure you'll be alright, for yourself and for him." He nodded to the behind of Soobin and when the younger turned around, he saw his lover looking as ethereal as ever in the rain.

The taxi driver beeped the vehicle signalling that they needed to go and, with one last hug, Yeonjun left Soobin and sat down in the taxi. After a few seconds, his older brother drove off.

- a few hours later -

"So what happens now?" Hueningkai asked his lover, feeling his hug from behind.
"Whatever you want, I'll try and make it happen." Soobin responded.

"Hmm...I never want to go back to that place I ever called home, but then again, I don't want to leave my sisters there. They don't deserve that treatment from my mom."
"Okay, then why don't all three of you move out? I mean, you're old enough, aren't you?"
"Well, the other family we have is my rich aunt, she loves my sisters but she absolutely despises me." Hueningkai said with mock hurt. Soobin laughed softly and held him even tighter.
"Okay then... why don't you move in with me?" Soobin offered. Hueningkai stopped what he was doing and turned to face Soobin, shocked at the offer.
"W-what? Live with you? Are you sure?"
"Sure, why not?" Soobin lifted up his lover and placed a soft kiss on his nose.

"Okay! I'd love to, definitely!" Hueningkai said, jumping out of Soobin and rubbing his hair, making it messy.

"Stop that!"
"Why, it makes you look even cuter than usual!" To these words, Soobin blushed lightly and gave his lover a bear hug.
"I love you so much, you're the best."
"I love you too, my Choi Soobin."

fin <3


and after months of procrastinating, we're done!
sike! there's another book!! because i'm attached to these lot so yh there's another and then we're done <3 i'll be posting her soon (it's alr written)!

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