The Threat

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Being in school, I had mixed feelings. I was actually glad that I was out of the house after constantly being doted by my mother. I love her, but she worries way too much. I was happy that I was back , but at the same time, I wasn't comfortable with the thought that there could be a killer in our school. That particularly didn't sit well with me.

"Hey babes", Lance came to my locker.


"What do you want?"

"Jeez, someone pissed in your cereal or what?", he held his hands in surrender.

Okay, I'm actually on my period, but it doesn't mean I would've behaved different from the way I used to with him. We always banter like this, but I won't ever tell him that I actually quite enjoy him around. Naar, his already big ego would be too high.

"Anyways, I'm here to ask you how you're doing today", he smiled, showcasing his really deep dimples, which were pretty hot. Damn

No wonder girls fawned over him, except me though. I wouldn't be characterized as a girl in this aspect. I was just to awesome to get distracted by these things and now, I could tell that he was obviously lying.

"Cut the crap, what's actually going on?", I said, folding my arms.

"Damn, you notice every single thing don't you?"

"I'm quite the catch, I know. Now spill"

"Um.. I know this is sudden and all but..", I cut him off, due to the fact that I knew where this was going to.

"I'm flattered Lance, and you're a nice guy, but I'm undateable as you can see"

"Date? Wait, you and me? That's not what I'm talking about", he laughed.

"Oh, so what is it?", I asked shamefully. I shouldn't have jumped into conclusions.

"Well, it's pretty much along that line. But I was wondering if you could get me a date with Olive", he asked nervously.

Fuck, I was right. He likes Olive. I knew I sensed something between them in the coffee shop.

"You like her don't you?", I smirked.

"Well duh, I wouldn't be here asking you if I didn't. So are you gonna help your kind, dear friend land a date with hottie?"

"First of all, her names Olive. And secondly, a girl likes it when you man up and tell her how you feel, instead of bringing in a third wheeler slash middle man into the whole matter. So it's up to you buddy. But I could help with asking if any guy's caught her eye yet", I told him. I was that nice.

His eyes widened and he hugged me.

"Thanks hot stuff. I knew you had a soft spot for me somewhere in your dark heart"

I punched him on the arm.

"More crap from your mouth, and I'll take back every thing I said"

"Sorry, no more crap again. By the way, I did like you at first, but I was too scared that you'd kill me and bury me somewhere, that the fear overtook the feelings I had. But I do think there's a particular someone that can handle your kind",he winked and walked away, and as soon as he did, Tristan came into view, but he was too busy opening his locker that he didn't notice me. Molly focus, he was rude to you, so he should apologize first.

I turned to get my books out of my locker, when a note fell from my locker. Weird. Is this like a secret promposal that I'm not aware about? It couldn't be this early though.

I picked it up, opened it and was truly shocked by the content of the letter.

Surprising, isn't it? You didn't plan on seeing a letter from me so soon. Dear darling molly, I actually expected that you would find out a lot. After all, you're the intelligent one. But unfortunately, your little search for me would have to end here. Do you know why? I'm sure you wouldn't want your sweet darling mother who took care of you when you were in the hospital to suddenly pass away. I wouldn't want that too. Look how determined she looks making your favorite food, pasta. It'd be sad if she wouldn't be able to join you guys, won't it. If you want to continue to see your precious mother, forget this case and move on with your boring life. I know you more than you think. A nineteen year old girl who can't wait to leave this crappy town, but also loves adventures and an escape. You think of this as an escape. A puzzle you want to fix, but also in the process, trying to mend your broken heart caused by your runaway dad. If you want your life to remain the way is , drop the case, and forget this ever happened. Smell you later. And don't worry, I already gave little warning letters to your team mates as well.

I didn't even realize I was shaking. I looked towards Tristan, and he looked at me with an expression that mirrored mine. He was also threatened by the killer.
This was bad, this was really bad

I sent a message to the gang, asking them to meet me at the football field. Tristan nodded at me, and made his way there. Things were so coded with us, so how exactly did he know we were planning something?

I went to the field to see the gang there.

I raised my letter to them, and they all raised theirs too.

"What are we gonna do about all this?", I asked.

"We cant risk it. Our families are on the line", Lance said.

"I agree. It means that the killers closer than we think because we've been extra careful with our steps", Betty said.

"True. Do you think it could be Mr Harvey?", Jake asked.

Hmm, he was one of the people that knew, but I don't think it could be him.

"Naar, no motive. What would be his reason for killing a student? ", I asked.

"True", they all said.

"Well, I think we should just put the search on hold for now. Laying low would be the best option, because I don't think we can take the risk of putting our families on the line", I told them.

It was way too risky, and I couldn't bear to see anyone hurt anymore. But it didn't also mean I would stop. The gang could stop, but I had a feeling that the killer was closer than we thought. So I had to do this solo.

Wow, things are getting pretty scary right now. With a threat being given by the killer himself, how would you think it will all play out at the end of the day? Stick around for more. Love you guys💕

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