Confessions and shocking revelations

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I couldn't sleep; probably from the fact that Pedro
had an affair with Mrs Charles, or the fact that they
may have made on out on my desk, particularly my
desk. I shuddered.

By the time I knew it, it was already morning. I got my things ready as fast as I could. There was a lot to do today. I couldn't believe that another person went missing. It was too fast, too sudden. Was it that the person behind Pedro's death knew we were unto him, and brought another case to distract us from the one we were on as of right now.

I made my way to school, not even bothering to eat. There was too much to do. I immediately saw Tristan at a bench close to the front of the school.

"What's the resident bad boy doing all here alone?", I smirked.

"And What gave  dolly face the idea that we're friends? ", he shot back. Ouch, I actually thought we were getting somewhere.

"Someone's on their period today", I whistled, and entered the school.

We were fortunate to all take Mrs Charles class, so it was easier for us to meet her immediately after her class. Besides, there was free period after that.

Mrs Charles was teaching , and I tried so hard to concentrate, but failed at it. Thoughts were running my head, concerning them hooking up on my table. I mean, it could be anybody's. I looked round the class. What if his saliva touched my desk. Eww. Molly, concentrate.

Thirty minutes after, classes ended, and we all waited , but in a coded manner, so the students wouldn't suspect something going on.

"Olive, you're not coming?", one of Olive's minions asked, and she replied,

"I'll meet you guys. I just have to sort something with Mrs Charles, or daddy would know I'm failing this class. I mean, he could cease my new Hermès bag", she faked her tears.

"No, but that's your favorite ", they all cried. Is this a fucking movie?

"I know girls. I'll come see you after"

They all left, and I couldn't help but think Olive's a pretty good actress. But it seems to be more than that. It seemed almost too perfect, like she's used to..  let me not read into things too much.

Mrs Charles was gathering her papers, and when she noticed we were all in the class.

"Any issue, you guys?", she raised her eye brows.

"We know", I said, cutting to the case.

"You know what?", she folded her arms.

"We know about you and Pedro "

Her facial expression changed immediately.

"Wait.. What? You've got it all wrong. There's nothing happening between I and my student. It's preposterous to think that you would accuse me of ...", Jake interrupted her,

"We saw the pictures of you and him kissing Mrs Charles. You don't need to pretend. It's not our place to judge, and truly we aren't. But the whole case is connected to you in a way"

"What case?", she asked.

We all kept quiet. How would she react knowing that Pedro was dead.

"What case Molly?", her voice was slightly raised.

"Pedro... pedro is dead Mrs Charles "

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