Pretty isn't always perfect

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After the talk with Mrs Charles, I left the classroom immediately. I didn't want it to seem suspicious and since there could be a probability of the killer being in the school, we had to lay low for the time being, not like I have a problem with that.

"Yeah, I'll be right there. Just keep her please", I could hear faint voices from the toilet. Molly you gotta stop eavesdropping on people's conversations. Oh, what the heck.

I entered the toilet only to see... Olive?

"Olive?", I called out. She looked up at me, with her eyes blood shot. We just saw each other not long ago. What happened?

"What do you want?"

"What are you doing here on the floor? What's going on?"

"Nothing, mind your business"

Normally, I would've said okay and excused myself, but somehow we're a team , so it means I have to look out for my team at times. Sounded so unlike me. What has social interactions done to you Molly?

"Look, I know you feel the need to put up that fake bitch facade right now, but no ones around, and I'm pretty sure you know I'm not dumb enough to believe that nothings wrong. So tell me, no judgments "

"It's my mom okay"

"What about her?"

"She had an episode ", she said.

"Episode.. Wait, is she..."she cut me off,

"A drug addict yeah? Well, she is. The most popular girl in Hillsdale high has a mother who's a drug addict and is too high to remember that her daughter is graduating this year, and the father who had promised he'd always be there for his little princess ran away, all because he was too much of a baby to handle situations. I was even more grown up than him, and he's meant to be the adult "

This was shocking. She always carried herself like she had everything in control, but as I look at her, I realized she didn't . She'd been exposed to so many things  that weren't meant for a child her age , and at a certain time in your life, you get tired of trying to control these situations and you reach your breaking point, and as I look at Olive, there's no doubt that she's reached hers.

She finally broke into tears, and I knew at this moment, she didn't need words. Words had been uttered and promises had been made, but none were ever fulfilled, both by her parents. I just hugged her, and held her as tightly as I could. It felt nice, she accepted the hug and leaned more into me.

Funny enough, we were similar in so many ways. Our fathers both left us, because they weren't man enough to handle things coming their way and we had to take that mantle of leadership to make sure that things would be alright. It's true when they say, never judge a book by its cover.

"I understand what you're feeling. I didn't also have a perfect childhood growing up. It's pretty much why I'm like this; sometimes broody, annoying and a bitch. My mom is the only parent in my life because my dad ran way from his fucking responsibilities. But I wouldn't want him to appear in our lives like nothing happened. He could be dead, and I don't really think I care much", I told her .

"That's... a lot. But At least you had a mom that made sure you were safe and happy. I can't remember when my mom was last sober. Even before I was five, she was always high, so I've never had a taste of what it's like for someone to care for you, except from my neighbor bringing me up as her own daughter"

"Your neighbor took care of you?"

"Yeah, all through my childhood. She fed me, read me to sleep, did everything for me literally. I can't believe how a total stranger would care more than a mother"

And I thought my life was the most shitty.

"So you now know that Olive Andrews, popular bitch and Future prom queen is just a slob with mummy and daddy issues. I don't expect you to keep quiet though, no one likes me. And I don't think I really care"

"Cmon, who do you think I would tell. I literally never interacted with anyone till when we were forced in this whole find the mystery", I joked. She chuckled.

"You got that right "

"And to be honest, I was always jealous of you", I told her truthfully

"Of me?", she was shocked. I found myself too by admitting this.

"You always carry yourself like you have everything in control, like you can face everything coming your way. Even though you're a bitch, no offense, you never let people's words get to you, like the time rumors spread that you'd slept with the whole football team. You didn't let it get to you, and the next day, you came to school with your head held high. I envy you Olive Andrews for that, but there's also a lot of respect there "

"I am the best , aren't I?", she flipped her hair dramatically.

"Don't push it, I said, and she laughed.

"But thank you, I needed this in a way, and I'm sorry I was rude to you that first day of senior year. I was just frustrated with the whole ordeal going on at my place. I didn't mean when I called you useless", she said looking ashamed .

"Yeah, it's all good, now let's go, we've got class in the next five minutes "

"Yea, true "

We exited the toilet, and I couldn't help but think about what she said

Pretty isn't always perfect

Four words that held a lot of truth to it. She'd been so caught up in the stigmatizing life of hers that she tried to find solace in school by being a bitch to all. She was pretty much trying to find happiness and she did that the only way she thought would be right. Although I never really liked her, I envied her. I envied her because of the way she carried herself; with power, confidence and boldness, never really realizing that she was hurting deep inside; which pretty much is like a mirror of my own life. We've all got our own problems, don't we?

Hey lovelies,
I'm pretty sure many can relate to this chapter. It's quite normal for people to pretend at times or be rude or pretty much a bitch to people, but this is because they have their inner battles they're facing. Mental health is a really important thing. It's not a sickness as some people may think. It's perfectly normal for people who have ranging emotions, and at times, the way they react or express these emotions may be different for another person. Awareness is important and could be of benefit more than one would ever think. Stay safe💕

Instagram: saraxx646
Snapchat: sara_omoze

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