BONUS: Alex's letter to his sons

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Alex's letter to his sons

Noah, Lars, my sons. If you are reading this, it means that I am no longer around. Now, I know you both have questions about me for example: "Why is Dad, the Crown Killer"? "Why did Dad die"? or even "Why was he never here?". I know what you're thinking but I'll explain everything. Everything you need to know about me.

My sons, I don't want you to continue to grieve and mourn my death all the time, sure I am dead. But still, don't let my death be your downfall to your rise of becoming great heroes. You will never walk alone, my sons. I am still here for you, I am still here to watch you learn new things together, and grow stronger together. I am always here to watch you both grow into mighty warriors. I'm sure Izuku told you a bit about me, I know he did, as for Gaz and Zach, yeah those two are the same, but hey, those guys are my brothers-in-arms. Boys, trust in them, they will help you throughout this journey of yours that we call "Life".

Another thing you should know, people will hate you for no particular reason, but you shouldn't let their hate bring you down. I've seen it in many people and trust me, they didn't take it too well. I want you boys to help others, protect the people, and maintain order in the city. By the time you read this letter, Izuku and the lads already fixed everything. But you should help them if you see anyone in need of help, boys. Help them, free them, you cannot let the past roam free in this new future that Izuku and all of us have built. We've spent so much time, effort, and patience to build and create this peaceful, new society. Just to let you know, the Crown Killer (which is me) spend so much time in London, sparking a revolution, I did everything I could to restore order in good ole England.

Oh right, one last thing. The charm didn't come with just this simple letter. But I am sure you both already figured it out how it works. Inside the charm, I've stored weapons for you both, to protect yourselves and your mother, even though I am not here in the physical realm. Both of these weapons were forged by great weaponsmiths and they passed down from the gods to mighty warriors of Valhalla. Noah, I present you with Mjolnir, the weapon gifted by the God of Thunder, Thor. Make your enemies feel your wrath and the power within you.

Mjolnir, a weapon used by the God of Thunder, Thor, now gifted to Noah

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Mjolnir, a weapon used by the God of Thunder, Thor, now gifted to Noah

And then I have a weapon for you, Lars. This weapon was a very special weapon. This was another gift from my father, your grandfather, the Hero Ivor. This weapon served him very well throughout his life as a hero and a warrior of Asgard. May it serve you and protect you in battle. I give you, the sword of Harald

The Sword of Harald, a weapon used by the UK No

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The Sword of Harald, a weapon used by the UK No.2 Hero, Ivor (Bjorn Forza) during his time as a hero, is now a gift to Lars.

May these weapons protect you both in battle. You know, I am actually I wrote this letter to you, boys. It took me a lot of courage to write this. But I just want to let you know, whatever happens in your life, I want you both to stay brave, support each other, and don't lose hope in yourselves. You are strong, brave, disciplined, honorable, and supportive. I will always love you both, you're my sons and I will be here to see you grow and prosper in your life. Take care of Erica, yourselves and the world.

May the Gods be with you, both of you. And...I love you.

Your father
Alex Forza

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