The writing on the Wall

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When Zarina woke the next day, dazed and confused from the early days events, she found a note pad next to her bed filled with words. The writing was he own but she did not remember writing them so. Rubbing her head she turned on the light and proceeded to look over the notes it seemed she had written.

Caste descriptions

With a quick scan of the words it became clear that mother had taken over and written down a few notes for her. It was a list of the different caste the mother had spoken about and semi detailed descriptions of them. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she dove deeper into reading exactly what it all said.

Gatherers: more like gathers of humans and information. They are bug like With goggle like eyes, a belly that opens like a cryo pod, wings, and a wasp like tail that is their sexual organ. 

They can use their stinger to immobilize their prey and use it to insert it into the sex of their mate all the way to the womb. It is rigged and covered I guess large mole like bumps, it is not smooth, and it's about as thick as a python which will expand as it releases sperm.

Gathers will always use another source for bearing children as they are all male and are unable to bear children themselves

They can use their translucent belly though to carry their intended mate. This way those that can't breath in space will survive the travel. They will also carry their mate inside them till they are ready to mate and will carry them all through out their pregnancy.

Most gathers will continue to carry their mate for years until the mate dies or is expired from childbearing .

Soldiers:  they look human in form but are covered head to toe in armored plates. Their  legs bend backwards to a humans, like the legs of a grasshoppers or deer.

Females will have a tail that looks like that of a Scorpion that blends in with their armor till it is need in battle. Females can and will get pregnant as they are lustful creatures but they will rarely give birth to their own offspring. Once the baby is about half way along, the female will find the growth to be a hindrance to their job and will find a breeder caste or another being to be an incubator.
She will transplant this child to the other creature by placing her mouth on the female organs of the other and regurgitate in a sense the baby into the womb. Using its long snake like tongue it will push it where it needs to go.

It is rare that a female soldier will bear its own young but on occasion it will see the process out themselves.  The young is often passed off on trusses which are a type of mothering nurse who raise the young till they are old enough to train with the rest of the soldier class.

Males have two appendages on their back that are similar to the tail of the female, both looking like the scorpion tail with stinger. These are also camouflaged in the back of the male until needed.  When ready to mate, they have a plate between their legs that slides back and a long, very thick shaft emerges, something similar to how an animals does. It is long enough to penetrate all the way to the womb. Once a soldier starts to mate, the deed can not be stopped till it has emptied its triple sacks. The moment the male has sunk its cock inside, spines expand from the shaft to hold itself in place. This Insures that whomever the male mates with will inevitably become pregnant with out another go. Their mission is to impregnate and move on with their job. The process usually only last an hour.

The males are very rough and do not discriminated on race of alien species. If a female is near by the pheromones will heightens its senses and it will not give up till it finds the source and impregnates it. This often leads to many hybrid types though often not suitable for the rank of soldier.

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