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WARNING: Read at your own risk.

Woking up is one of the things I look forward to, especially every morning. I don't know why, but seeing the sun rose and shine in the vast sky made me more alive and refresh. That I don't have any problem to think nor villagers to run me down.

But this morning is kinda different. Too different in many aspects. When I woke up, I don't feel refresh or motivated. Rather, sore is the best definition next to my name.

Naruto is sore. That's it.

That's kinda funny. But I can't laugh nor smile. The memories of last night is still fresh in my mind, especially in my body. My now unchained hands reached out on the other side of the bed, hoping that the man who gave me the greatest pleasure, is still there. But I only felt the cold sheets rather than a warm skin.

I sigh.

I should have known. No one will ever want someone like me. Not in this place nor this lifetime.

I get off my bed, not minding my naked body and the pain in my hips, and went straight to the bathroom. I wash off the remaining fluid left in my body from the intercourse with Sasuke. One hour, I showered for one hour or so, just scrubbing and sobbing noises can echoed in the four corner of the bathroom.

Yeah right, I'm pathetic. Crying over some stupid things.

Me and my pathetic self. How amusing.

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A month has past since it happened.

After that week, I've been sick. Every morning, I puke even if I didn't eat anything. Then, I always felt dizzy, thank god, there's Shiro to help me out. It became worse as weeks pass by.

And now, after a month, I began to have some weird food cravings. Tomato. I've never eaten a tomato before but every now and then, I like stuffing it in my mouth.

Good thing, Tsunade-baa-chan will visit me tomorrow. She's a medical ninja, and a great one. I think she will know what's wrong with me when she check me up.

"Shiro, do you think I'm dying?", I asked Shiro, which is currently lying in the deck. I'm in a sofa in the living room. She tilted her head and glare at me and release a furious growl.

"Just kidding!", I said, laughing at her reaction. She kinda 'hmp' at me and look back outside.

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"So, Naruto, tell me every weird feeling you felt in your body this past few weeks.", Tsunade-baa-chan said as she check my body.

I told her all the weird things I felt after that particular day. After giving me a through check up, she sigh heavily and gave me a serious look.

"Naruto, I want you to be honest with me..", I swallowed thickly and nod, "Did you have sex with a man?"

I look down, a red tint covering my cheeks, and clench my hand resting in my lap. I bit my lower lip as I nod as an answer.

"I knew it..tell me, did that man force you?", not wanting Sasuke to die too young, I shook my head even if its a lie.

"Nee, Baa-chan, what's happening to me? Am I....", I pause, not wanting to say the last word. I sigh again. What am I afraid for?


Baa-chan gave me a "What-the-hell-are-you-talking-about" look.

"Then, what..", now, I'm confused.

"Well, Naruto, I don't know if this is a good news or bad news...but congratulation!", she tap my shoulder and look straightly in my eyes, "you're pregnant."

I cast her with an amuse look, my eyes still questioning her, but somehow, my mouth refused to speak. She just smiled and nod.

My hands unconsciously touch my belly as tears roll down my cheeks.

I'm pregnant.

With Sasuke's child.

Then it hit me.

Will Sasuke accept this child?

"Naruto", I face Baa-chan and wipe the tears in my eyes. "Can you tell me the name of the father?"

A sigh escape my lips as I intertwine my fingers. "Sasuke, he said his name is Sasuke."

Baa-chan's eyes widen for a second but returned to her normally serious look. She cross her arms in her chest as she shut her eyes. This is what she looks like when thinking deeply.

"Naruto, I want you stay here, when I mean stay, never go out. Next week, the three of us will come here and talk about your situation. I also want you to take care of yourself. Carrying a child is not easy. Eat nutritous food and walk in the yard every morning as your exercise. Don't do any reckless things that might hurt you or the child. Make sure Shiro always stay by your side. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Baa-chan, don't worry. I'm perfectly capable of handling myself."

"Good, and as for the father of your child, I can say that your pretty unfortunate. Well, I'll tell you the details about him next time.", she stood up and get her things and walk out of the living room to the door leading outside, and then to the gate, me behind her, following her tracks.

"See you soon, Naruto.", she said and kiss my forehead.

I smile and bid my good bye as well.

I close the gates and went inside my house to rest for the day.

Will you Love me? (SasuNaru FF: YAOI/BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now