Chapter 26 -Hell... Part 2-

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-Marks POV-

(Y/n) slammed her hands down on the table and looked at me furiously


She growled as Dark soothed her and calmed her down

"Sorry for me getting upset. It's just it's so sudden. It looks like nothing will ever go back to normal."

Mark and Dark chuckled in unison and both muttered

"You can say that again."

Mark cleared his throat and rose from his seat

"Alas he has opened a portal, but the strange thing in all of this is, Wilfrord has teamed up with him."

(y/n) chuckled taking me and Dark by surprise as she got up from her chair, her other persona coming out instantaneously

"I'll rot there blood and cut out their tounges. Put a bullet in their hearts I say, and by blazes I'll do it!"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair

"I wish it was that simple, were dealing with the fucking devil, and Wilfrord. This is too much for us to handle."

(y/n) growled and stomped over to me

"So your just going to pussy out! We have no choice but to rise and fight damnit! I'm not just going to sit around and do nothing!"

I sat back down and folded my hands together

"Then what do you propose we do then?"

Dark sat up and grinned

"I say we shoot them down like dogs."

(y/n) chuckled and walked behind Dark as she put her arms around him and the chair

"It's not that easy~ were facing two powerful men that are only fighting because of 1: they want to kill you Darky and 2: they want me for themselves. Are all men this greedy?"

I coughed and muttered a yes which made (y/n) and Dark giggle slightly

"Mark, I know that Lucifer is mostly after me, and he will do anything to capture me, so if he does get his hands on me. I want you to promise me that you will run. If not then you both will die. I might not come back, but that doesn't mean I want you two to be dead forever"

A tear escaped my eye and I went up to her and hugged her

"I promise. Anything for you and Dark."

Dark put his head down and started to full on sob

"I don't want to lose another! I once loved a fair maiden just as much as you, she was just like you in every way, but then Wilfrord got his hands on her. That bitch changed her! He brainwashed her and made her his slave. I will never forgive anyone that tries to take you away from me. And this might seem crazy what I'm about to say.

But I really love you (y/n)"

(y/n) smiled and opened up her arms

"Come join the hug Dark, hugs are not the same without you."

Dark slowly got up and went into the hug with me and

"Aww such a lovely sight~ never knew you were so soft my little demon~"

(y/n) removed her grip on the two if us and turned to see him


She instantly pushed us behind her and we ran for the door.

I looked back to see her hands on her hips as she began to talk to him, then I turned back and ran out the open door with Dark.

-(y/n) POV-

"What the hell do you want?"

Lucifer came over to me and started to slowly circle around me

"You know dear, I really did miss you, the day that you had been sent back to earth nearly killed me. It pained me to see my only friend leave me~"

He stopped circling me and was now in front of my twirling a stand of my (h/c) locks

"Such beautiful hair, adoring face, sexy body~"

His hot breathe came into contact on my neck as he softly spoke

"I wasn't lying when I told you I loved you~ my feelings have never changed and never will change~"

I growled slighty

"Frankly dear, I don't give a damn"

He chuckled slightly

"You shouldn't have done that..."

He pushed me back into the wall and held me firmly in place

"You really don't know when to shut up do you?"

"I guess not, now will you let me go so I can kick your sorry ass?"

He chuckled slightly

"I know you really don't want to dear~ I can tell your holding back. What's that matter dear? I know your not scared, it's something else's entirely~"

(Alright this is just a little bits inappropriate so be warned... Hehe)

He caressed my check and whispered slightly

"My very voice is turning you on right now isn't it~?"

She looked down and growled as her face turned red

"Don't be stupid."

He picked up my chin with his hand and made it so I was staring at him eye to eye

"I can tell it's true darling~ I know you~ I can read you like a book~"

His face inched towards mine slightly more and more

"I just want you to know how much I missed you dear (y/n)~"

And with that his lips met mine

-hey guys ! So yeah I hope this chapter wasn't took bad, anyways I know I have never asked this before but.. Do you guys maybe want a lemon? Comment below.. Yeah XD I will be updating a lot more because I have been more inspired lately well I love you all!-

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