Chapter 30

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Alright before I start I sincerely want to thank each and everyone of you. When I started this story I was thinking to myself, "I'm not going to get any views or any likes." But then you guys proved me wrong, over 26,000 views ? You guys are really awesome and that means so much to me! When I started to write fanfic I wrote it on quotev and not a whole bunch of people were willing to read my stories, then I made some on here and you guys looked at my story and were like, "I'll read it" thank you all so much for this book to make it this far, this is a special long long long chapter as a huge thanks to all you guys that took the time to read this. If any of you ever want to chat or have ideas for later chapters please feel free to message me I will answer back to you lovely people, and without further ado here is your extra special very detailed chapter! :D


[Y/N] gaze turned dark as she slowly made her eyes look to the floor.

In a deep and demonic voice she dared to ask,

"Where the hell is Dark?"

That only made Wilfred chuckled, he started to slowly step over to me and hummed slightly with each little step,

"You know, I was always the one to get what I wanted, when I wanted it. And I want you, even if you deny it I will watch you suffer, crack and snap."

I chuckled slightly my gaze still aimed at the floor.

The room had grown very dark since the reveal, since our auras were both just completely and utterly mad.

"Why do you want me? Your a fool to ever even get yourself involved with someone like me."

He chuckled as he was now in front of me, he then proceeded to life my chin with his index finger and avert my gaze to him.

"You know I always-"


[Y/N]'s hand had made contact with Wilfred's cheek, leaving a huge red imprint,

"Don't you underestimate me one bit you son of a bitch. I am done with your fucking antics, I want to see Dark and I want to see him now!"

My voice boomed all throughout the room leaving somewhat of an echo in the distance.

Wilfred's gaze then turned into one of darkness as he pushed me away, but it wasn't just a mere push, no he pushed me so hard I slammed into the wall,

"So that's how you want to play it huh [Y/N]? Fine let's play a game I like to call kill the bitch."

He advanced towards her taking the opportunity to slam her face into the wall, causing it to crack on command, her nose now leaking a black substance, not blood though, pure black liquid.

Wilfred chuckled,

"So even your blood is black to huh? Guess that's why they call you the dark one."

He then kept grabbing my hair and slamming my face into the wall with no restraint.

I grunted but I knew I could find a way out of this, once he took a little small break I took that time to electrocute his face with the palm of my hand sending him to the floor shaking violently.

"Do your worst"
He sneered.

I smiled as I grabbed his head and our eyes met,

"What's your death wish?"

I then proceeded to slam his entire body to the ground with one big force,

The only thing you could hear was the sound of his body making contact with the floor and him grunting.

~The Darkness~ (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now