Texting But Its Issac Trying to Roast

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This chapter was made after this guy in my school was bullying me for gaps between my teeth and my friend was roasting him about his hairline.

Insert argument with Issac and Cassie:

QueenCassie: Issac go jump in a bin oh wait u can't jump that high HAHAHA

issac.likesbooks: Cassie shut up u have no hairline

QueenCassie: no... hairline?


AwesomeAlly: Cassie u look beautiful Issac is just trying to roast u but he's stuck in 20th century

Jordan_DoesStuff: yeah Issac that was kinda cringe

issac.likesbooks:  I thought u were on my side :(

Jordan_DoesStuff: I am on your side but the hairline thing is kinda dead

therealolly: he probably uses a Nokia

TOTALLYTOPAZ: issac do u use Nokia

issac.likesbooks: Olly why u thinking I use Nokia

Jordan_DoesStuff: maybe she's the one with a Nokia

QueenCassie: guys, she can't even walk in a straight line with a straight face, ofc she had a Nokia

issac.likesbooks: Cassie u have a fish head

HenriettaHero: bruh that was lousy do you even know what a roast is

issac.likesbooks: do you even know what a life is because you don't have one

QueenCassie: Henrietta you fool, you got yourself roasted by an ant

issac.likesbooks: are u talking about the ant you have instead of a brain?

TOTALLYTOPAZ: idk who to root for here



therealolly: bro you stupid piece of dogs muck, why are u rooting for the mistake?

issac.likesbooks: topaz isn't the dogs muck, ally is

Jordan_DoesStuff: see, ur roasting! how does it feel-?

issac.likesbooks: tbh it feels kinda horrible, but it feels so good

issac.likesbooks: like the world revolves around my control

issac.likesbooks: muahahahaha

Jordan_DoesStuff: uhm should we be concerned?

therealolly: no u idiot

issac.likesbooks: idiot like ur hairline

TOTALLYTOPAZ: ok he fell back to the cringe stuff

Jordan_DoesStuff: yea I actually like it when Issac's cringe

QueenCassie: yh it means I have no competition on being the best

QueenCassie: not that issac is competition

Jordan_DoesStuff: take it back

therealolly: Cassie u better run Jordan's coming for u

QueenCassie: oh no 🙉

issac.likesbooks: yea go chase after ur hairline cassie it's ugly so I don't see the point in chasing it

Jordan_DoesStuff: *facepalm*

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