Meeting Laddie

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          It was in the middle of the night. The only source of light was the bright almost full moon. I decided to sit on the beach at the bottom of a cliff. The perfect place for me if I do say so myself. The water was on its way for high tide. It's a small beach where you can see it with low tide but not high tide.

            I let my midnight blue and pearl white tail free while I was in the water. I forgot to mention. I am a siren. Yes those one you hear from old sailor stories of people in the water with tails, and lures men to their deaths. I do have those kind of abilities but I don't have to live in the water full time. I can hide my tail (which is just replaced with legs), control over the elements, and vocal manipulation, as well as mind control (over my own and others), clothes also automatically appear when my tail gets replaced with legs.

              I have several abilities at least until I find my fated one or ones. Yes we can have more than one. Our fated ones are otherwise known as soulmates. But when I find my fated I can change into what ever creature they are. Now whether I keep my powers is something entirely different.

I sat on the rocks shortly after a woman left the cave. So I assumed no one was inside. I looked up at the full moon and heard a melody in my head like a distant echo from when I was a child. It was a song my mother would sing about her and her sister and now I sing after my sister Lilliana and I. She ended up being fated to a human several hundred years ago. I miss her so much; a perk of being immortal.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own, the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today
But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
'Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep
Once did a pony who shone like the sun
Look out on her kingdom and sigh
She smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony
So lovely and so well beloved as I"
So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory
That long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed
Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
Rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space
Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
Forgive me for being so blind
Soon did that pony take notice that others
Did not give her sister her due
And neither had she loved her as she deserved
She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew
But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly
Takes hold of the mind of its host
And that foolish pony did nothing to stop
The destruction of one who had needed her most
Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
Rest now, in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space
Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind
And forgive me for being so blind
The years now before us
Fearful and unknown
I never imagined
I'd face them on my own
May these thousand winters
Swiftly pass, I pray
I love you, I miss you
All these miles away
May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon your bed of moonlight
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there

          I finished the last sleep I heard some footsteps behind me. Startled I turned and look and saw a little boy maybe about 10 rubbing his eyes like I had just woken him up.

         When he saw me his doe brown eyes widen and a huge smile appeared on his face from the sight of my tail. " you're a mermaid?" He said in awe. I gave him a soft smile. " Yes little one. I'm sorry did I wake you from your sleep?" I said in a sweet voice. I can already smell the metallic smell on him meaning he's a vampire or at least half.

          He rapidly shook his head and came and sat down with me. "I'm laddie what's your name?" He said politely.

"My name is Calypso. It's nice to meet you Laddie. Where are your parents? Where do you live?" I asked as concern heavily drip from my voice. I didn't know this kid at all and yet I feel my maternal instincts kick in.

"I don't have any parents. I got four brothers and a sister. But my sister star treats me more like she has to babysit me. But my brothers are the best! There's Dwayne, Paul, Marko and David! Davis is kinda scary and mean. But my big brother Dwayne is the one who mostly takes care of me." Laddie spoke with such excitement and care in his voice.

"Well where are they? And why did they leave you all alone?" I asked pulling him onto my lap. Laddie was having fun touching the scales of my tail. "My brothers went out to get something to eat. I didn't want to go, so David told star to stay with me. But I guess she has other plans. And left me here alone." I saw Laddie's eyes tear up.

I carefully wiped the tears away. "Well if you don't mind my company. I would love to stay with you until star or the boys get back." Laddie's eyes light up like a Christmas tree. And nodded his head yes vigorously.

We spent most of the night talking. I answered his questions, and told him stories. We eventually went inside the cave. He showed me all of his comic books, he went and got out a little boom box and we started dancing around the main cave area to some rock music.

              After what seemed like minutes was actually hours. Before I knew it, it was 2 hours before sunrise. I looked outside and I looked at Laddie. He was already half asleep but I didn't want to leave him here alone. I gently picked him up and move him over to a bed with see through curtains carelessly hung from the sides. I sat him down and was a bout to leave when he grabbed my arm. " please stay, I don't wanna be alone." My heart melted. I couldn't let the vampires know I was here.

               "I have too Little one. But hey, I will have to go away for a very long time. But let me give you something to 1 remind you of me and 2 so we can still communicate even if we aren't in the same room." I walked out of the room and to the sea. My hand touched the water and when I pulled it out. In my hand was a special shell bracelet.

                I walked back in and over to him. And put it around his wrist. "This bracelet will allow you to communicate with me via dreams. We will be able to see each other in the dream realm for now on when you go to sleep. It will be more like day dreaming for me. But you can also send me images and thoughts just as I can to you now. It's time for bed. Good day little one." I gave him a kiss on his head before standing up and making my way out of the cave.            
            Before I even step one foot into the main area.
I heard the roar of engines get close and then come to a stop. I panicked, shit I need to get out of here, I thought to myself. As I quickly made my way deeper into the cave.
            I wasn't paying too much attention before I scrapped the palm of my hand and my arm on the cave walls. Unknowingly leaving a small trail of blood. Until I came to a crystal pool of water that leads outside to the ocean. I paused for a minute when I heard shouting, and feet rapidly coming down the way I just came. I quickly jumped into the water and waited a few seconds. When I felt my tail was back I flipped my tail briefly above the water before taking off into the ocean depth. When I was far enough away, I popped my head out and glanced the way I came from. I saw 4 male figures standing at the edge of the cave staring at me. I knew to them I was a blip in the ocean water.

               I sent a wave water at their feet to break their trance realizing that the sun was coming up. They made their way back into the cave until one guy with bleach white hair and a black Trench coat stood outside a couple extra seconds. He retreated back inside. What I didn't realize was that from that moment a new path was forged for me.

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