My Last Breath

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Alright! So, This is a new story I'm working on. It's rather slow right now but it'll get there, Let me know what you think!~Tori

Chapter  zero: The beginning

What if the only things you ever wanted was Freedom and Love? And what if someone stood between you and what you longed for? Would you fight for what you believed in even if it meant giving your life?

My name is Tailor Johnson, And this is my story.

My parents died when I was seven, Ever since then I’ve lived with several different foster families. All of them either abusive or they just didn’t care. When I was seventeen, I was actually adopted! I thought it was going to be the best time of my life, Oh how I was wrong….

Everything was perfect at first, Daniel and his son, Damon, were wonderful to me. Daniel treated me like I was actually his daughter. That is, Until I was something I shouldn’t have seen…

On my nineteenth birthday I woke up to what sounded like screaming. I rolled out of my bed and quietly made my way down stairs. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what I was about to see..  A million  thoughts running through my head but none of them even remotely  close to what was before my eyes.

I stared in horror, There was Damon standing over his father’s lifeless body.

“Damon…. What… What did you do?!” My voice startled even myself as I ran over to Daniel, trying to stop the bleeding.

“No, no, no, no! You can’t die!” Tears streamed down my face, I looked up at Damon who had walked half way across the room. My eyes glued to the knife in his hand.. “You bastard! What have you done?!” I jumped to my feet and ran over to him, shoving him into the wall with all of my strength. My sadness that had been there only a few seconds ago was now replaced with anger.

“YOU KILLED YOUR OWN FATHER! YOU ASS!” My fists beat against his chest, when I looked up at him he simply smirked at me… He SMIRKED at me.. The nerve of this boy..

“Well, Blondie… I rather like this side of you. It’s… Kinky.” Damon wrapped his arm around my waist just as I tried to pull away.

“Damon, let me go!” I pleaded, remembering he still had the knife in his hand. “I promise, I won’t tell anyone what I saw… Just please… Let me go..”

“I don’t think so, Go pack a bag… We’re going on a trip.” He pushed me towards the stairs which I gladly run up and locked myself in my bedroom.

Why? Why does this kind of thing always happen to me?  My parents and now Daniel… What next?

Chapter One: Life in a cell.

It’s been it’s been almost two  years to the day since Daniel’s death, and believe me when I say: It’s been a living hell. And here I was, in a locked room – or what I refer to as the cell – I wasn’t aloud out of the room unless I was called for.

Damon had moved to the middle of freakin’ nowhere –And dragged me along with him,  kicking and screaming… More kicking than screaming.

My hate for Damon had grown over the years, I had built walls around my heart. Ever since I saw him standing over his father I was never able to look at him the same way.

“Tai?” Tanner, one of the children Damon’s “minions” had captured looked up at me. His eyes filled with tears. “When is my Mommy coming to get me?”

Within a year, Damon had struck fear into everyone’s heart within a million mile radious of where he lived. His minions were every where, always watching, never showing any sign of mercy.

“Buddy..” I sighed and picked up the five year old, I had been there when Damon sentenced Tanner’s Mother and Father to death for hiding their sons. Eventually, They’d found Tanner but his twin brother, Tyler was never found. Some say he was still in the school when it was blown to pieces. Others say the ArchAngels saved him from the school and is keeping him safe in one of their safe havens. “Your Mommy… She…” How could I tell him his parent’s were dead? How could I break this little boy’s heart? “She had to go away for a while, but she said that while she was gone for me to keep you safe.”

I kissed Tanner’s temple and hugged him softly, “I’ll always be here. I promise.” 

“Can you tell me a story?”  He yawned.

“Of course. Which story?”

“The story of the ArchAngels.”

I sighed, “ Again? I’ve told you that one a million times.”

“Well, Make it a million and one times!”  Tanner smiled, “Please Tai? PLEASE?”

“Fine, Fine..” I rolled my eyes and sat down on my bed, Tanner  curled up on my lap. “A couple of years ago an evil, devious, horrid man took over a small town, he struck fear into every man, woman and child. What he never told anyone was that he kept his darkest secret locked in a room with a young woman that he held captive. One day one of the prisoners escaped! But he didn’t run away from the town. He stayed and built an army. He’s known as the ArchAngel. Striking fear into those who harm us and hope into those who have none left. Word has it, the evil man is scared of the ArchAngel.”

“Does the bad man die?” Tann asked eagerly.

“You see, That’s the thing… No one knows yet.”

“But what about the girl? I thinks the ArchAngel dude should save her and the live happily ever after, Like in the stories mommy used to tell me!”

I simply laughed and shook my head, Glancing out the window I saw that it was getting dark. “Bed time.”

But in all honesty, I wasn’t sure if I believed in the ArchAngel.. True, He was probably my best chance of getting out of this place but if he was real then why was he taking so long to help us?

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