Legends and horror stories

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"Long, long ago a man named Mifuno was in a race to sail the oceans, but soon after he stared his journey he discovered something he thought was more beautiful than the feeling of achievement. He found an island full of mythical creatures. Surprised by the fact that all of the myths that he thought were false were real, he explored. He met many vampires, and werewolves, mermaids, and fairies. Intrigued he wanted to stay there and build it into a land everyone can live in.
So he did as he said and built that land into "a place where everyone can live." He brought vampires, werewolves, mermaids, and dragons that were in hiding to a place where they could call home. He broke up the lands into many,many districts for all creatures and in the middle came a trade center. A place where all could be and trade and live and socialize with other creatures. Not only are there different types of monsters there are different types of religions and races, like he said, "a place where everyone can live." This is the infamous Mifuno Districts. And to this day  it is said that creatures still find their way to this island, that many call home." She spoke in a story telling voice.
     "Wow... I am... Is it true? Are there vampires not too far from here" I was intrigued, which is unusual. I mean, who comes comes to a random island to live on and just expects mythical creatures to be there?
     "Uh. No, actually vampires lives on the other side of the island, but there are werewolves just a few roads and death wishes away. From the look on your face I can tell you're disappointed, don't tell me you were thinking of doing some exploring?" She was not supposed to know that.
     "I was, actually. Is it that bad?" , "No, actually they're not bad, but they are pretty territorial." , "And you know this how?", "Freshmen year field trip. Each class got to choose a different district, but since your a senior you get to pay for everything yourself later." , "Well, I just might." I replied with smug look, "Okay, see ya then, call me when you die. Let's keep going I still need to show you the old school building and the courtyard. Oh my god you're going to love the courtyard. It's so pretty, and it has this mysterious feel to it." She said, excitement clearly heard in her voice. I smiled.
     "Then show me to this mysterious courtyard." , "I wanna show you to the old school building first. Come on let's go." She said as she started to drag me again. Damn was her grip strong.
Roceila's pov~
Damn, he so fun and easy going I'm letting my guard down way too fast. I mean like what am I supposed to expect, he's really cute and nice and fun, dang I'm losing my composure. I started to slow down my pace as we neared the old school building. I can't wait to see if he's a scaredycat or not. And so with an unnoticeable grin I pull him into the dark building, with just enough light to see.
     "Hey Lyen, what would be the sum to an equation of you and horror?" Man, I really love telling weird, philosophical questions. I hope he gets it.
     "What a weird question. I'm not sure, I never really liked the thought of getting scared but then again I never tried it. Why?"
     "Well, there many horror legends that correspond with the building.  Even though it's not old, there are surprisingly a lot of scary stories about the place." I said as we walked further in. This is hilarious, you know what I'm gonna scream when I close one these next doors. "Can I tell you one?" , "Sure. Why not?" Because they're all false.
     "Once when a human girl was walking through the new school building she felt compelled to look over to her left, which was the old school building. She saw a fire, so she grabbed the fire extinguisher and started to run down the stairs. The fire was on the third floor so she tripped quite a few times on the stairs. By the time she got to the third floor her knees were already bruising. She was in such a rush that she didn't memorize which room it was in, but she saw smoke coming out of the second room to her right. She went straight to it, but. When she opened the door."

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