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A boy with a pretty face soft fluffy blonde locks, cute chubby cheeks, crescent shape hazel brown eyes and plush plump soft lips is taking a walk in the garden of the pack house or you can say his own house

He is thinking about someone and blushing, he is glowing anyone can tell that the pretty boy is in love although he had never receive love from anyone except for his father in his life but he hope that who he loves will love him back like he do

His name is Park Jimin prince of Park pack he is 20 years old his parents are dead he lives with his uncle and aunt who is alpha and Luna of this pack now
His mother died while giving birth to him and his father struggle without his mate at his side but at last he couldn't take it anymore and also died when Jimin was 9 years old making him a orphan well he can't blame his father for leaving him because it is difficult to live without a mate by your side his father gave him love and care but he was also a busy man so the time spent between them was limited but Jimin appreciate that time very much

After his father's death his uncle his father's younger brother took over the pack because first he's very young himself second of all he is an omega his uncle Jacob and aunt Lilly only have a son Jackson who sometimes mocks him but rather than that ignores him and he is thankful to that, Jackson only enjoys the company of the omegas who satisfy him every now and then

His uncle and aunt mentally abuse him always reminding him how worthless of a omega he is saying that he is the cause of his parents death that he is disgrace to the family because he's an omega

However pack members love him they love their former alpha and Luna his mother and father also for their kindness and justice they love him as well as almost all the Luna duties of the pack is carried out by him because his aunt Lilly don't like to talk to poor and filthy people he sometimes play with the pups also in the pack's grounds and read stories to them

He one time listen to his uncle and aunty talking to each other that they will sell him to prostitution he was terrified would be an under statement, he thought that he is that worthless that no one will love him does he not deserve love

He was very shocked when his uncle betrothed him to an alpha he thought that the said alpha will be an old hag but when he met him, the alpha took his breath away he fell for his soon to be mate very easily and he now refer to him as his alpha

His alpha is hot and handsome tall with broad shoulders not that much, big doe eyes, a big nose but it suites him, sharp jawline and thin sexy lips with a mole below them his name is Jeon Jungkook

He is caring at times, but its complicated to understand the nature of the alpha to Jimin but he loves his alpha so he tolerate him, sometime he is quite intolerable but its okay because sometimes he can be caring as well

Later he gets to know that he is betrothed because of the trade purposes between Jungkook's pack and his own pack want to trade and for their bonding to be strong his uncle suggested Jungkook to mate with Jimin and he agrees but to be betrothed for the time being and when he will feel like its time to mate he will mate Jimin his uncle is very happy after listening to Jungkook because Jungkook's pack is rich and his uncle is greedy

He is thinking about all these things and about his alpha and how will be his life after mating his beloved he even befriended with Taehyung the healer of the pack of Jungkook he is also the mate of Jung hoseok the beta of Alpha Jeon Jungkook

"Hey pretty omega" someone spokes near his ear he turns around and saw Lucas what a day Lucas is the best friend of Jackson and he is pretty much interested to take Jimin to his bed but sadly he is unable to do it until now
"What do you want?" Jimin spat his good mood and peaceful walk in the garden is ruined by now
"Don't you know how to talk to alphas pretty omega respect me understand" He says by grabbing Jimin's wrist tightly in his hands

He have to respect all alphas if not he get screamed at by his uncle and aunt about how he is disgrace to all omegas
"Leave me alpha Lucas this instant I have work to do"
"What type of work spend some time with me here"
"No I don't want to" he says while trying to free his hand from Lucas's grip

They doesn't know that a pair of eyes with fire are watching them and not at all pleased by the scene in front of them
"But I want to pretty omega?" Lucas smirks and steps forward him making their bodies closer than before, at last Jimin jerk his hand away at that moment a maid comes there

"Omega Jimin Luna Lilly is calling you" Jimin thank the gods and follows the maid and walks from there hurriedly
Luna Lilly is calling Jimin for a foot massage 'the foot massage is better than that jerk harassing me' Jimin thought


That's it for the chapter
I hope you like it
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